One Lucky Guy

Every so often we come across an older story from the news that is worth reviving. This one is an incredible series of life-and-death synchronicities, of astonishing luck that wouldn’t stop. Thanks to Jane Clifford of Wales for alerting us to this one.

In 1999, Bill Morgan, a 37-year-old truck driver in Australia, had an allergic reaction to a drug he was given after surviving an accident in his truck. His heart stopped and he was dead for 14 minutes before he was revived. However, he remained comatose and considering how long he’d been clinically dead, doctors twice recommended that life support be removed, allowing him to die.

Astonishingly, after 12 days, he miraculously came out of his coma and was fine. He suffered no brain damage or other long term problems from the event.

Feeling pretty lucky after his recovery, Morgan asked his long-time girlfriend to marry him, and she agreed. To celebrate, he bought a lotto ticket and won a car worth $17,000. (Valued at about $23,000 in today’s dollars.)

An Australian new program heard about Morgan’s streak of luck and decided to do a story on him. The reporter asked Morgan to buy another scratch-off and recreate his lotto win by showing  the same reaction he had to winning the car. This time, however, the results were even more astonishing. The lotto ticket he picked was worth $250,000! (That’s $361,000 today.) Quite a story.



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6 Responses to One Lucky Guy

  1. BLAH and BLAH says:

    well it be the name of your blog,,, KNEW from about sept. last year that they SEE something new this year…

  2. Iysa says:

    We know that Bill Morgan is a lucky guy but your website may have some magic as well.

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