Bermuda Triangle Synchro

What are the chances that I would be interviewed atop of the Key Biscayne lighthouse about the Bermuda Triangle and a storm would sweep in out of nowhere hitting us by the end of the interview.



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13 Responses to Bermuda Triangle Synchro

  1. Darren B says:

    That was a cool looking lighthouse Rob and what a striking view you had:-)
    I’m working on two lighthouse blog posts at the moment myself.
    Stay safe in this virus storm guys.

    • Trish and Rob says:

      You, too, Daz. Everything in Oz shut down?

      • Darren B says:

        It’s weird down here as we are sort of half shut down, but not like Europe, or the US from what I see in the news.
        They have closed most Australian state borders, plus most public beaches, as well as restaurants, libraries, public swimming pools, cinemas, theatres and art galleries, etc.
        There’s local government elections being held today, and in Australia voting is compulsory, or you get fined.
        I voted early last Monday, so I wouldn’t have to mingle with the bigger crowds today.
        I’ll bet once voting is over the government will call for a two to three week lock-down, because they are just f#ckin hypocrites, when it comes to public safety … and votes over here.

        • Trish and Rob says:

          Not all of us – some states, some cities. The florida gov is a trump ally and a trump sycophant. If trump opens the country on easter sunday, our gov will follow in his pudgy footsteps. Right now, some cities are in lockdown here – but people can still go out for groceries, medical appointments… we need a nationwide shutdown.

          Ah well.

    • Trish and Rob says:

      Thanks, Daz. At least the fires are out down there. But now you’ve got the viral fire. How is Tom Hanks and wife doing in OZ? Haven’t heard anything about them lately.

      • Darren B says:

        I haven’t heard much more about Tom Hanks and his wife since they left hospital, except that they had to self isolate for another 14 days in their motel room, so I guess they are still down the road on the Gold Coast.
        I nearly took my son with me to see Rita Wilson sing at a bar/pub in Brisbane, where Tom Hanks was as well on the night it turned out.
        But in the weeks leading up to the event I just couldn’t be bothered for some reason and didn’t bother buying tickets.
        I guess the $175 dollar ticket price (which included a 3-course meal) helped a little to dampen my enthusiasm, as I would have been paying for my son, as well.
        I’m not into selfies, but I would have shaken hands or had a chat to Tom and Rita given the chance, so in hindsight I was lucky not to go on the night.

        • Trish and Rob says:

          That sounds like precognition to me, Daz. Similar to people who are booked on a certain flight, then change their minds and cancel, and that plane later goes down.

          • Darren B says:

            Yeah, but I still think that $175 ticket price had a bit of influence on my final decision:-)
            Either way, I’m grateful I talked myself out of going.
            T Hanks and gratitude seem to go hand in hand when I think about it:-)

            • Darren B says:

              On another lucky note, I went for a drive up to Australia Zoo on Wednesday and had no idea Bindi was getting married there that day.
              Only her family and closest friends knew apparently.
              There was probably only 100 paying customers up there on the day, so it was like having the whole zoo to myself pretty much.
              Although no animal shows were on … except the tiger handlers put on a show for the five of us that were around the tigers in the afternoon.

            • Trish and Rob says:

              The price of the ticket doesn’t distract from the synchro, not in my book. It was the trigger for not going.

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