The Mystical Underground and the Mitchell-Hedges Crystal Skull

In episode 9 of The Mystical Underground, we had a riveting discussion with Bill Homann, the guardian of the Mitchell-Hedges crystal skull, and psychic-medium Carole Wilson, who often speaks for the skull. There’s valuable information here of all kinds – on the virus and how fear feeds it, on humanity, who we are, and of course, on the skull and what it actually is. Enjoy! Thanks to Jon Posey, our tech magician who makes this podcast possible, and to Bill and Carole for taking the time to talk with us.

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10 Responses to The Mystical Underground and the Mitchell-Hedges Crystal Skull

  1. Dale Dassel says:

    Here is a video of my crystal skull collection, which I filmed last weekend:

    The new skull is the slightly smaller clear quartz sitting behind the larger one.

    Here is the free downloadable PDF book:

  2. Michele Shive says:

    I could sit and listen to Bill and Carole tell stories and talk about the Skull all day. I think we have many lessons to learn and I just love to soak up the knowledge every chance I get after the mediations. Hope to listen to part 2 very soon Thank you for a great podcast !

  3. Dale Dassel says:

    Thanks for posting this, guys! It was a pleasant surprise when I clicked onto synchrosecrets and saw this episode about the MH crystal skull, as I just recently acquired another quartz skull for my collection! I particularly enjoyed Bill and Carole’s stories about the skull, and I am now reading The Skull Speaks PDF book, which is fascinating material. It’s reaffirming to know that the crystal skulls are indeed tied to Atlantis, as many people have long believed. This episode of TMU makes me appreciate my crystal skulls all the more! 🙂

    • Trish and Rob says:

      Hope you’re doing well, Dale! We really enjoyed talking with Bill and Carole.

    • Trish and Rob says:

      Glad you enjoyed podcast with Bill Homann and Carole Wilson. Question: where did you find The Skull Speaks? We’ve been looking for it online and have only found rip-off copies selling for between $70 and $2,300. Email me a pic of your new skull.

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