Freaky Attractions

Shortly after our podcast episode called, “Should OBE sex Be Considered Cheating?”we received an email from someone using the handle Freaky Attractions. Out podcast tech, Jon Posey, responded and began exchanging emails with Freaky, who is part of an internet sub-culture of writers who write horror stories in a genre known as Creepy Pasta. The stories appear on You Tube and are usually accompanied by related videos that the writers have found on the internet.

So Jon suggested that we interview Freaky Attractions for the The Mystical Underground. We agreed, though neither of us had ever heard of Creepy Pasta stories, which are told in first-person as if the writers are telling a true tale.

But wouldn’t you know it that a couple of synchronicities evolved. At the time Jon answered the first email from Freak Attractions, Jon was supposed to go to Seattle, but Comic-Con was cancelled, so he planned a trip to Disney World instead. This was shortly before the theme park shut down.  Synchronistically, he found that Freaky Attractions was writing weird theme park stories. That was what caught Jon’s attention and why he suggested we interview the writer for the podcast.

Not only did Jon have a synchro, but we did too. Trish, who had exchanged a couple of e-mails with Freaky Attractions, started looking more into his website and found his name. He had the same name as Megan’s former roommate, who  used to live in LA and wrote scripts. Jon said, “Well, that’s in Freaky’s profile, too.” That did it.

We realized that we’d been talking to the former roommate, who apparently thought we knew all along who he was. He’s an interesting guy with a big curiosity. When  he heard a couple of years ago that we were going to meet famed author Whitley Streiber for dinner in the spiritualist community of Cassadaga, Florida, he asked if he could tag along. So he and Megan both joined us. Interestingly, as we were realizing the identity of Freaky Attractions, we were also preparing for an interview that same day with…guess who? Whitley Streiber.


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2 Responses to Freaky Attractions

  1. Luz says:

    What a strange story/synchronicity.

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