Meditation with the Mitchell Hedges Crystal Skull

This evening, thanks to technology (Zoom) and Bill Homann, we did a group meditation with the Mitchell Hedges crystal skull. The intention was healing the planet of COVID-19.

Last summer, Bill came to our house and a group of us meditated in person with the skull.  That was powerful. The intention that night, August 31, was to chase Hurricane Dorian back out into the Atlantic. It had stalled off the coast of Florida. The next day, Dorian began to move away from Florida.

Surprisingly, this meditation through Zoom was also powerful. There were 20 of us from various part of the country and Bill led us through the meditation. At one point, I opened my eyes and saw the turquoise in the skull’s eye and grabbed my photo and snapped a photo.  I wanted to know if I was imagining it or if it was real. Then I saw the color change to purple:

Another woman who was meditating said she “saw” a lot of different colored crystals as she meditated and wondered if the colors I saw were a part of the same mosaic. The skull definitely emanates a powerful energy that you feel, even at a distance like this. I felt euphoric by the end of it and snapped a final photo. The color had changed to pink.

Rob and I both heard a clacking noise and asked Bill about it. He also heard it, but it wasn’t coming from within his room.

If you missed our podcast on The Mystical Underground with Bill, you can find it on any podcast platform or here.

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One Response to Meditation with the Mitchell Hedges Crystal Skull

  1. Gia says:

    Thanks to Bill for doing this!

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