This month is jammed with celestial events – two eclipses, Mercury turns retrograde, Neptune turns retrograde, and Venus, which turned retro in May, finally turns direct again on June 25. Also, on June 30, there’s the second of three exact conjunctions between Jupiter and Pluto. The first was April 4. Buckle up.

About that first Jupiter/Pluto conjunction. On April 4, here are some facts about that day (CNN):

The figures: The novel coronavirus has infected more than 1.1 million people and killed more than 60,000 worldwide, according to Johns Hopkins University. The US has more than 300,000 cases and more than 8,100 deaths, according to revised figures.

The US: More than 8,300 people have died, with 1,224 deaths reported so far on Saturday, the most deaths reported in one day thus far. Wyoming is the only state yet to report a coronavirus death.

US marks record for most new coronavirus deaths reported in a single day.
Dr. Deborah Birx: ‘This is the moment to not be going to the grocery store, not going to the pharmacy.

Today (May 24) in comparison, the U.S. has 1,668,493 cases and nearly 98, 706 deaths. Each day there are 20,000 plus new deaths. But all 50 states are in some stage of reopening. Just pay attention to events that occur on or around June 30.
And also, during these times of uncertainty, pay attention to any synchronicities that occur in your life. It’s a guidance system.

The last time we had three eclipses back to back – the two this month and a lunar eclipse on July 5 – was 1988, so this is a relatively rare event. As with most eclipses, if you don’t experience anything on or within a couple of days on either side of the eclipse, something may occur a month to the date. So let’s look at June’s eclipses.

The lunar eclipse in Sagittarius on June 5 is a time of completion. Given the Mercury retro that begins on June 17, tie up projects before then. The eclipse gives you the opening you need in that regard. Mars forms a perfect square to the eclipse and that could mean that disagreements may occur and tempers flare. Also, this eclipse is opposed to Venus, so that may complicate your love life and/or your finances.

The dates for the Mercury retrograde in Cancer: June 17- July 12. The drill for these retros:

Don’t sign contracts
Don’t make travel plans
Don’t start anything new
Revise, review, reconsider
Don’t submit manuscripts
Don’t buy a car or anything electronic
Re-check appointments

To check on the June forecast for your, look in the masthead.


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