Solar Eclipse in Cancer

June 21. The longest day of the year, the Summer Solstice, Father’s Day. It’s also the day of a solar eclipse at 00 degrees Cancer. This eclipse in the 2nd of three this summer – a lunar eclipse in Sagittarius on June 5, this solar eclipse in Cancer, and on July 5, a lunar eclipse in Capricorn.

Solar eclipses take place during a new moon and are generally about new beginnings. But there are several things moving against it with this eclipse. First, Mercury is retrograde in Cancer and Venus is retrograde in Gemini. The Merc retro lasts until July 12 and the Venus retro until June 24. Mercury governs communication and travel and Venus governs your love life and finances.

So, with this kind of iffy stuff part of the eclipse picture, what can we expect?
The focus here is on new opportunities that emerge around home, family, your roots, your country. The 00 degrees of a cardinal sign is powerful and given all the turmoil now in the country, it will impact each of us differently.

If you live in one of the states where corona virus cases are spiking because you reopened too soon, you may decide to retreat for a few weeks. If that isn’t an option for your current job, be sure you take the usual precautions that have become our new normals. Face masks. Hand washing and sanitizers. That six feet of physical distancing.

Whatever you’ve learned about yourself and your life choices so far during the lockdown may prove helpful. Some of us may have realized we dislike what we do for a living and are prepared to make changes, to move toward our passions. Others among us may have realized our current partnerships are flawed at a level too deep to reconcile – or are ideal for who we are becoming. The past several months have been a wakeup call and whether or not we heard that call will be obvious during and around this solar eclipse.

Saturn at 0 degrees Aquarius forms a perfect angle of 150 degrees to the eclipse. Saturn represents structures, government, the status quo, business as usual. But this particular angle suggests adjustments in that status quo. We’re starting to see that after the murders of George Floyd and Rayshard Brooks in proposed legislation to rein in police. This adjustment is also apparent after trump’s shameless display in Lafayette Square, where he used the U.S. military to clear protesters for his photo op in front of St. John’s church. You know the op I’m talking about – where he held an upside bible.

According to The Guardian, this stunt peeled away some of trump’s most loyal Evangelicals. “The staunchest of evangelicals, 90-year-old televangelist Pat Robertson, split from Trump on Tuesday,” – the day after the stunt. “Trump can’t afford to lose evangelicals, even by the handful. A record 81% of white evangelicals voted for him in 2016, and he only narrowly won the presidency, sometimes by just a few thousand votes in crucial areas.” So be on the lookout for news in this area, too.

It’s possible the eclipse could reveal what type of paradigm shift this is.

For how this eclipse affects you personally, take a look at the June forecast in the masthead.

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15 Responses to Solar Eclipse in Cancer

  1. Darren B says:

    Oddly enough, over the ‘ Ring of Fire’ eclipse weekend the most active volcano in Indonesia on the Pacific rim of fire erupted spewing a heap of ash into the air –

    And in the Australian state of Victoria we had a spike in the corona-virus, just as Australia thought it was safe to start opening up the state borders –

  2. Sheila Joshi says:

    “The past several months have been a wakeup call and whether or not we heard that call will be obvious during and around this solar eclipse.”

    “It’s possible the eclipse could reveal what type of paradigm shift this is.”

    These two thoughts seem particularly deep and intriguing.

    It’s also interesting that this solar eclipse path is over parts of Africa and Asia.  It really seemed like the “American Eclipse” in August 2017 betokened a period of American eclipse, what with the fires, hurricanes, and DT Administration.

    OK, just for fun, here’s a wild guess — The overarching idea is there will be something utterly new.  Africa, India, and China will be the source of some new discoveries about human origins that help heal the race crisis and / or ancient healing methods will be  brought forward that help the virus crisis.  (I realize India and China are having an international border incident, and China has a race genocide going on that the world needs to get involved in, but I’m saying the eclipse is not necessarily about these things.)

    And, for me personally, I get started on some novel form of neurological energy healing.

    Let’s see what happens!

    (And Happy Father’s Day to Rob!)

  3. Cheryl says:

    That inconjunct 00 degree is, indeed, at the core of this eclipse dynamic. Did you notice that the Ascendant and the part of fortune are exact? To the minute.

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