A more positive spin on Mercury retrograde

Three times a year, Mercury – the planet of communication – turns retrograde, where it appears to be moving backward relative to earth. It’s typically a time when communication goes haywire, travel plans change without warning, computers and phones crash, you miss appointments, emails don’t arrive, money is late arriving. There are plenty of do NOTs for these retro periods – which we’re in until July 12 – but how can we use these periods in a positive sense?

Mercury retrograde is an excellent time to reconsider, rewrite, rethink. But it’s also a time when our natural intuitive and psychic ability can roar out of hiding, as if to help compensate for what’s going haywire in the outside world.

Along with heightened intuition, synchronicities are likely to proliferate – often to guide us or to confirm a pending decision. Sometimes, these synchros manifest themselves as an impulse to do or try something we haven’t done before. This type of synchronicity seems to have become more prominent during the pandemic. I think this is because our natures are inherently creative and when we’re cooped up and living through unfamiliar chaos, synchronicities occur to remind us of who and what we are and who we are becoming. They show up to illustrate that magic exists regardless of what’s going on around us.

We can be more reflective during Mercury retrogrades and often emerge from these periods with greater clarity about where we’re going.

I know it’s tough to look at retrogrades favorably when your computer is crashing and someone has stolen your credit card. But try!




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2 Responses to A more positive spin on Mercury retrograde

  1. Adele says:

    Sometimes, for me, people from the past show up. Or someone I have not heard from in a while. I like that part.

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