Trump’s Tulsa


There’s probably not a synchro here, unless we consider that trump got duped into believing his Tulsa rally would be like nothing no one had ever seen by a bunch of media savvy teens. It sort of feels like the trickster is alive and well.

Full disclosure: I don’t like John Bolton. He’s too much of a war hawk for me. He should have testified at trump’s impeachment hearing, but held out instead for making royalties on the sales of his book. The book, In This Room, was supposed to have been published in March, but the trumpies went to court to block it. Recently, a federal court judge ruled that the book couldn’t be blocked. It’s supposed to come out on Tuesday, June 23.

I’m deeply curious about Bolton’s book, but I didn’t intend to buy it. I might have considered it if he’d testified at trump’s impeachment trial, but not now.

Yet, today, a friend sent me a PDF of the book and into my library it went. Trump, of course, is already calling it just a bunch of lies, which is humorous considering he’s the Thor of liars. Lies are his thunderbolts – and those bolts fell flat in Tulsa. Oops, your supposed ticket reservations that were supposedly in the millions were perpetrated by a bunch of media savvy teens who requested tickets and never showed up.

That stage your people were setting up outside for the overflow crowd? It was quickly dismantled. You didn’t look too happy, trump, when you returned to D.C. Kinda hurts, right? You got duped by teens.

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7 Responses to Trump’s Tulsa

  1. Trump has a fatal flaw that repeats itself over and over again. As a numerologist I see that he has a very strong presence of 13.4 in his chart. This is the number of divide and conquer, which is his MO. But, his next significant number is 14.5, and this is where he fails. 14.5 is the number of surrender. He is not able to surrender. He may pass through the energy of 14.5, but from there on he enters the Devils Lair, where he will be consumed or he may breed.

  2. Cheryl says:

    I see trump as a version of Castaneda’s archetypal petty tyrant. Petty tyrants can be quite violent. They ignite reflexively and don’t need a reason to erupt. Not much thought goes into the reaction, which is not usually subject to consequence of any kind.

    On the other hand, Rachel Tavis describes in her book something she identifies as a trickster entity. Its victims would have to be vulnerable, which implies trump would have been a normal person before he was possessed. Not that there’s any such thing as normal but, let’s say, not malignant.

  3. Jenean Gilstrap says:

    long live the media savvy teens! bravo!

  4. Adele says:

    I think Bolton is going to be on Colbert tonight. I won’t miss that one.

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