
Telepathy – mind to mind communication – is well documented between twins, identical twins in particular, and between mothers and their children. According to British biologist Rupert Sheldrake, author of Dogs Who Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home, telepathy also occurs between dogs and their humans. What about telepathy between married couples?

That depends, I think, on the specifics. Rob and I have been married for 36 years. We read each other’s body language, we have a good idea how we each react in particular situations, we often finish each other’s sentences. But maybe this happens with any two people who lives together that long. But this evening, an instance of telepathy occurred about something totally random.

I was returning to my office from another part of the house and was thinking about what was on the agenda for tomorrow. The “agenda” has been mostly blank since the lockdown began. And that idea of “tomorrow” has been mostly nebulous since it’s easy to lose track of what day it is. Then I remembered tomorrow, Thursday, someone was coming out to change the filter on our water filtration system between 9 and 11 a.m.

As soon as I sat down at the computer, Rob called out, “Hey, someone is coming to change the filter tomorrow morning between nine and eleven.”

I started laughing and poked my head into his office. “Seconds before you said that, I was thinking the same thing.”

“Really?” And then he laughed.

What struck me was how mundane and random it was. A filter? Really? It wasn’t as if the telepathic communication involved anything dangerous or shocking. It was so ordinary and boring it was laughable.

But perhaps the no resistance atmosphere facilitated the occurrence. It was just another evening at home during the pandemic, when we would work for awhile after dinner, then take a break for the news or the newest episode of whatever series were were currently watching. Relaxed.

In Jung’s book, telepathy falls under the umbrella of synchronicity. And since most – if not all – synchros contain messages of one kind or another, was there something here I didn’t see?

I immediately thought of the time slot: Between 9 and 11. 9-11. An archetype that’s now 19 years old.

So is this a personal 9-11? A global 9-11? A 9-11 for a particular area, state, city, neighborhood, community?

Maybe none of the above. Or all of the above. We’ll see.

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