On July 12, author Pam Grout will be our guest on our podcast, The Mystical Underground. Some years back, I ran across her book E2. The idea that’s central to this book and her subsequent books- E3, Thank and Grow Rich, The Course in Miracles Experiment – is that we create our own realities.

The idea isn’t original, but Grout’s writing is so engaging, funny, and  practical that the idea is presented in new ways. So I was going through The Course in Miracles Experiment, in which I learned that she’d lost her only daughter, Taz, I flipped to the last page. Here she writes: If it wasn’t for my readers, I’m not sure I’d even be here. You have kept me going with your kind words, your encouragement, your sightings of 222. I love that Taz has become special to so many of you. She truly was (and still is) a remarkable person.

As a mother, I marveled that she’d survived such a loss. Parents are not supposed to outlive their children. Then I started wondering about the 222.
I glanced down at my outlook icon and saw that I had 222 emails.

A synchro, for sure. But what did it mean?

So I started Googling.

From here it means,”…number 222 signifies your call to action, to further the path you are on, or any new path you are on. It also symbolizes that you have taken in actions of other people and you recognize them as well.

Or, defined by this site, it means:  The next time you see angel number 222, pay attention because it can be your angel trying to send you a message, and you’re just too distracted or busy to notice!

I emailed Holly Granquist, a numerologist we’ve posted about, and asked her take on 222. She replied:

Trish,  222 is  most favorable. It says you’re in the right place at the right time.

I don’t know if that’s what the numbers mean for Pam. But with any number clusters, any synchronicity, the only meaning that matters is the one you define and decipher for yourself. And I love Holly’s take.

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2 Responses to 222

  1. gia says:

    A really beautiful story.

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