Every new moon should be a celebration. It opens a new chapter in our lives  filled with new opportunities, people, experiences. But not all new moon are equated equal. This one, about 6 weeks before the election on November 3, has some good points – and some that may be challenging.

It’s at 25  degrees Virgo, so generally there should be new opportunities in the maintenance of your daily health and in the way you communicate. But the new moon is widely opposed by Neptune in Pisces, which often suggests confusion, not having all the information you need,  outright deception.  The new moon forms a beautiful angle to Saturn – an exact trine – and a close trine to Pluto and a wider trine to Jupiter, 3rd house.  Luck, power, structure. You’re able to turn these new opportunities into something solid and long-term.

Mercury in Libra and Venus in Leo, 1st and 11th houses respectively, form a favorable angle to each other – a sextile. You communicate well with female friends, a romantic partner, and move a little closer to some dream you hold.

For specifics to your sign, click September forecast in the masthead.

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4 Responses to NEW MOON IN VIRGO

  1. Michelle Rogers says:

    Love it!!! Thank you

  2. Caren says:

    And coincidentally, sundown tonight begins the start of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. Lets hope it’s a good one.

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