The Rot from Within


As I write now, it has been one week since Thursday, Oct. 1, when we found out that President Trump tested positive for covid. We don’t know when he last had a negative test, which is crucial and which the administration and his doctors are hiding from the public. It will eventually come out. The questions are persistent.  The media is doing its job to attempt to keep a check on the powers that be. That, of course, angers the PTB and followers, who attack the media for doing their job.

But this post isn’t about the media. It’s about the Republican Party. We’ve seen that the Republicans have held multiple events from around the time the Trump and others in the administration were infected. You can see pics at the Rose Garden ceremony for the Republican’s Supreme Court candidate, Trump in New Jersey at an indoor event with no masks, Trump talking to Gold Star family members with no masks.  Everyday now we hear about more and more people in the administration working in the White House and Congressional Republicans who are infected. Today the number is up to thirty.

This is a huge synchronicity as we near the election. It’s literally a sign of the collapse of not only this administration, but the Republican Party. It is infected. In a singular moment, we saw a fly settle on Mike Pence’s head for two minutes during his debate with Kamala Harris. Another symbol of something rotting from within. Interestingly, Pence never brushed away the fly. It left Pence on its own.

Of course, we are not the only ones who see the symbolism here. From

“CBS This Morning” co-host Gayle King, longtime sidekick of Oprah Winfrey and former president Barack Obama, saw deep symbolic meaning behind the fly.

“At one point when they were talking about systematic racism, I think this is interesting timing that a fly would land on Mike Pence’s head at that particular time when he said that there really wasn’t systemic racism,” King said. “You saw the fly going, ‘Say what?’ I mean, it was very interesting, that was, I don’t want to call that a highlight, but that was certainly a memorable moment.”

The hosts for the morning show discussed more on the debate, but King’s mind couldn’t get off that fly. “I still keep going back to that fly because you know, number one, I’ve never seen anything like that,” King went on. “It was a fly of color, too, that came at a very opportune time, and that is the ‘Saturday Night Live’ skit — skit waiting to happen on Saturday. Can’t wait to see it.”

King wasn’t alone in giving deep meaning to the presence of the fly. “Life imitates art, and so a fly landed on Mike Pence’s head,” the Washington Post wrote in its Style section. Penetrating further into the iconography and semiotics of the humble housefly in Western art, the paper continued:

“Throughout the history of western painting, imagery of flies can symbolize death, rot, decay, corruption and ‘painting’s power to deceive the eye,’” says Celeste Brusati, professor emerita of art history at the University of Michigan. And there was one, sitting on the vice president’s head, just as he was talking about his and the president’s support for law enforcement.

* * *

Beyond the fly, there is the physically and apparently mentally ill president’s rantings about the need to arrest President Obama, Hillary Clinton, and stop Joe Biden from running against him. He said all that today, Oct. 8, on a Fox News rant.

The party crumbles….



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10 Responses to The Rot from Within

  1. Lauren says:

    I am by no means a fan of the trump/pence administration. But if you remember back to Obama’s time as president, he was filmed and photographed multiple times with flies on him. Can easily be looked up. That just verifies for me that all administrations and the PTB are full of shit, corrupt, evil and rotting. Just food for thought.

  2. lauren raine says:

    Interesting! I wonder if the spectacle of Trump, literally, on steroids infecting people will impact his zombie followers? I am hopeful that this lunacy, as the “October surprise”, along with his embarrousing tax returns, will finally bring some sanity to the American public. I voted yesterday and was delighted to see a long line of early voters, along with a very full ballot box for people who prefered to drop their mail in ballots at the polling place…………….a good sign!

  3. Cheryl says:

    Great photo of both Pence and the fly. And such great timing. We finally have Fox News showing the president at his true best, as opposed to his fake best.

  4. Fly on the wall says:

    Yes, a fly landing on a candidate during a presidential debate most definitely symbolizes that the candidate is evil and rotting from within. Most definitely. Without a doubt…

  5. Adele says:

    Maybe someone said this before . . . have you heard of the expression,”There’s no flies on him.” meaning the person has a sharp mind. The Republicans seem to be crawling with flies.

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