Megan’s Cluster Synchros


Our daughter, Megan, recently had a meet and greet with two cats whom she’s going to take care of in November and the owner. She had three synchronicities with this visit.

First, one of the cats had the same name as her cat – Indy. That’s Megan’s Indy in photo.

Second, the woman had the same first and last name as one of Megan’s friends. The last name was was spelled with a Y instead of an I, but was pronounced the same.

Third, Megan was wearing her Orange Theory shirt and the woman pointed at it and said, “That’s where I’m headed when we finish up here.”

I don’t know that these synchros have any specific meaning, but they caught Megan’s attention. Perhaps it means the cats will be repeat customers!

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5 Responses to Megan’s Cluster Synchros

  1. It’s a great thing to live in the zone. Amazing

  2. Adele says:

    The cats and cat Moms are all psychically connected and belong together.

  3. Cheryl says:

    Or friends. Cluster synchros sometimes mean that.

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