Marla’s Regression

To prepare for our interview on The Mystical Underground with psychic Marla Frees, I (Rob) read her fascinating memoir, American Psychic. In one of the latter chapters, she talks about undergoing a hypnotic regression with Brian Weiss. She found herself in an in-between life space where a guide was helping her prepare for her current life. She rejected a possible life in Greece saying, “Been there, done that.”

Then she was shown an image of America with beams of light pointing to several locations on the East Coast, then beams arcing over the country to the West Coast. She was told, “You must go back again to pole light.” She had no idea what that meant, but she felt the experience was important. Later, the regression was confirmed in a very strange way.

Marla, who had been an actor in the 1990s, had a guest starring role in the sitcom, Everybody Loves Raymond. While she was waiting for the scene with her part, a woman in her fifties, a stand-in, ran up to her and excitedly told her that she’d dreamed about her.  Startled, Marla asked: “Do I know you?”

The woman said, no, but went on to say, “They told me you were sent here to do your work.”

“Who are they?” Marla asked. The woman responded that she didn’t know, but proceeded to draw a map of the U.S. on the back of a page of a script she was holding. On it, she drew lines coming out of the East Coast and more lines coming out the West Coast, then connected them so they looked like airplane routes. Or, the beams of light Marla had seen in her regression.

The woman then said this: “You must go through this physical life and attempt to remember who you are. When you make that connection, you will go through a transformational process to become whole, centered, and connected with your other self. Once you realize this, you can anchor light and information to Earth.”

The woman apologized, but said that she really had that dream. It was a dream that seemed to answer Marla’s question about the meaning of poling light. Marla writes: “Reflecting on the part of the past life regression that showed me  ‘poling light,’ I read in the dictionary that ‘pole’ is defined as a stabilizing object for something to attach itself to, or a ‘fixed point of reference’ for light waves of energy at a certain frequency.”

She continues: “It started to make sense that I was holding a frequency level for another form of energy. Was my purpose this time around to act as an anchoring point for Spirit, for information, for the dead? I was being guided into arenas that were so ‘out there’ and beyond my knowledge and experience that I simply had to trust that Spirit had my back.”

After I read that passage, I paused and wondered what my purpose was this time around. To answer that—or attempt to—I took out a dictionary that I occasionally use for stitchomancy (divination via random passages in a book) and asked that question. I opened the dictionary at random and stabbed my finger at a page. When I looked to see what word I’d found, I was surprised. My finger was pointing at  “pole.”

Maybe the divination was simply mimicking what I was thinking about – poling light – or possibly I was another one who poles light. Either way, it was quite an incredible synchronicity. Of all the words in the dictionary, I had hit that one!

Our podcast with Marla will go ‘live’ tomorrow, Sunday evening, October 18.


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One Response to Marla’s Regression

  1. Gia says:

    I haven’t stopped by in awhile. This is fascinating!

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