A Telepathic Experiment



Recently on a wonderful radio show called Higher Journeys, the host, Alexis Brooks, asked if there was a particular time astrologically when telepathy was facilitated. It’s a great question and the answer depends on several things: your need to communicate telepathically with a particular person and your belief that it’s possible. If these two elements are present, then let’s look first to the lunar cycles.

The new moon occurs once a month, when the sun and moon are in the same sign and at the same degree. New moons are always about new energy that is ushered into our lives, new opportunities, people, situations, relationships, professions, projects. New chapters. It’s always a good time to make submissions, apply for jobs, undertake new things. So the new moon day and the two weeks afterward is an ideal time to try communicating telepathically with someone.

But your target is important. Try to connect with someone with whom you have an emotional connection. The best type of experimentation is with someone who is open, receptive, and eager to try the experiment. Or, if you don’t want the other person to know what you’re attempting, then try it alone, on or right after the time of the new moon.

On January 13, 2021,  for instance, at midnight ET, there’s a new moon at 23 degrees Capricorn.   If you have an earth sign sun, moon, rising – or any other planet – in the later degrees of Capricorn, Taurus, or Virgo, even better. It means this new moon forms a beneficial angle of 120 degrees to that planet. That angle or aspect is called a trine. It facilitates the flow of energy on the physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual levels.

Two weeks after the new moon, we have a full moon, when the the sun and moon are at opposite ends of the sky. Full moons illuminate the various levels of our lives. They favor completion, culmination, a harvest of some kind. If you started your little experiment during a new moon, then by the full moon you should be successful at establishing telepathic contact. On January 28, there’s a full moon in Leo.

The other fortuitous aspect involves Jupiter, the largest dude in the solar system, ruler of luck, prosperity, expansion, spiritual beliefs, worldview. It’s now in Aquarius, so that’s fortuitous for all the air signs – Aquarius, Gemini, Libra- who shouldn’t have any trouble with the telepathic experiment. The fire signs – Leo, Sagittarius and Aries – should also be feeling the expansiveness of Jupiter now. So give the telepathy experiment a whirl!

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