I’m writing this on Nov 2. Pretend that it’s Nov 4.

What do we know about the election? The future of this country and/ or own futures and lives as Americans? Has Democracy died because trump was re-elected? Will civility be restored? Can covid-19 be controlled? Will the chaos end?

So I erected an astrology chartĀ  for Nov 4 at 12 noon to see if I could measure the general energy on the day after the election.

Capricorn at 26 degrees is rising in this chart. Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn, which represents – among others things – authority, government, structures. Saturn is exactly conjunct the Ascendant.

Mercury rules elections and in this chart, Mercury is at 25 degrees Libra in the 9th house square to Saturn. Squares indicate friction, challenges.

Jupiter at 21 Cap in the 12th house is conjunct Pluto at 22 Cap in the 12th house. This suggests that the election has been transformative in a way so profound that we can’t ever go back to before. It suggests big power plays with the judicial system (Jupiter), deception – Neptune forming a close angle to Jupiter and Pluto in the 2nd house – dark money? Nefarious financial infusions?

But. The sun in Scorpio falls in the 10th house – the public. People feel good about what they know so far. However, since the sun is in the most secretive sign and opposed to Uranus in Taurus (3rd house) by just 4 points, something unexpected and out of the blue may happen.

The 27 degree Gemini moon in the 5th house forms a close 150 angle to Saturn that indicates an adjustment in attitude is needed. This moon is trine to Mercury at 25 degrees Libra in the 10th house suggesting that we, the American people as a collective consciousness, understand what’s at stake here. And that’s why 95 million of us voted early.

What the last 4 years has revealed – a realization trump has facilitated – is that racism is alive and well in this country, that the disparity between rich and poor is wider than ever before, that the electoral college is archaic, a hangover fromĀ  an earlier era and and should be abolished so that it’s the people – the popular vote – that determines the presidency.

Trump has also revealed where the constitution is weak:

The Senate Majority leader must be mandated to bring every bill the house passes to the floor for a vote.

Roe v. Wade must become an amendment.

Any sitting president can be indicted.

Supreme Court appointments must have a time limit. Forget the lifetime appointments. It impacts too many generations.

Health care is a right, not a privilege.

The big argument against that is that private insurance will become obsolete – OMG, I love my insurance so much.

I’ve never heard anyone tell me that they love their private health insurance. The closest remark was from a friend who had spent weeks in various hospitals earlier this year for what I thought was covid. Her bill? Over a hundred grand. We were in the grocery store when she told me this and I replied. “Universal health care.”

“Absolutely not. I want a choice,” she said.

So keep your choice. But allow other people who aren’t as privileged as you – a white woman married to an airline pilot – to have a choice as well.

Okay, so the chart doesn’t address the stuff from that line about health care as a right…but you get the idea here, right? Democracy is at a crossroad.

Don’t hesitate to speak up, speak out, stand your ground.

Don’t self-censor for fear of what other people might think. What mattes if what you think, what you believe, what you feel in your gut, your bones, your very blood.

P.S. The new covid cases in the U.S. for election day was over 100,000 and nearly 1,200 new deaths.




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4 Responses to THE DAY AFTER…

  1. lauren raine says:

    PS……….thanks for your comment about Health Care. My recent operation came to $260,000.00! If I didn’t have Medicare I would have lost my house. Imagine all the people who can’t afford insurance………………

  2. lauren raine says:

    What I find so frightening, is that just about 50% of the population is just fine with an authoritarian leader who blatently is corrupt and immoral as well, and an authoritarian Republican regime that enables him, even though most of them know he is not only corrupt, but incompetant. But he is rich, and this seems to be the only criterion that matters. Not people dying from a plague, not the very real reality of climate change, not our standing in a global community, not science or education or women’s rights or human rights or protection of minorities. Just money.

    I am encouraged that Biden has a lead, and here in AZ we’ve seen the state go blue, and many good things happened locally (Mark Kelly, the astronaut and husband of beloved Gabrielle Gifford, replaced corrupt Martha Mc Sally, bills supporting education passed, a native American has been elected) ……. but what this election has revealed about America is profound.

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