On November 7, the world celebrated that Biden and Harris had become the President and Vice-President elect. But now it’s late on November 11, and Trump has yet to call Biden and congratulate him on his win. In other words, you know, trump’s being a really bad loser. He’s behaving like the elementary school bully who knows everyone dislikes him, but keeps on bullying anyway.

He’s fired people in the government and installed his loyalists. He’s planning for a coup in the same way that dictators have for years, using their allies – Barr, the attorney general; Pompeo, the secretary of state; Mitchel McConnell, who heads the senate; and of course, the infamous Lindsey Graham, hypocrite extraordinaire.

The trump lawsuits, according to a former prosecutor and friend, are a delaying tactic to get to December 14, when the electors vote. But, they figure, if you change the electorates so they vote for trump rather than who the people voted for, then maybe…well, it could be…maybe…

Retired General McCaffrey (Google him) spoke with Brian Williams at MSNBC and he named the American agencies that we should watch. He considers Pompeo’s announcement yesterday as “chilling.” The comment? That the trump administration would make a peaceful transition to the second trump administration.

In other words: a coup. Banana Republic stuff.

So this is where we are?! At the edge of a coup?

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7 Responses to HERE WE ARE…

  1. ce qui se passe says:

    You haven’t been paying attention.
    What happens when you give someone rope?
    Rope given.
    Watch and wait.

  2. Nancy says:

    This is exactly where we are. He is attempting a coup and we have the Russian military amassing in Alaska, telling our fishermen to leave the area for 9 days. This is US waters, by the way. ( it mean Russia is going to use its military to stand behind Trump in his coup attempt? No. But it does mean something is going on that is not being reported thru the proper channels because he has exited all of the heads of departments that would be the ones to raise an alarm. And we all know the relationship between Putin and Trump. This is definitely banana republic stuff. And scary, too.

  3. Michelle Rogers says:

    Omg!!! I actually named my monthly vision reading “CHILLING”!!! Wow!!! I am really trying to wrap my mind around this syncronicity!!! My vision was political…I want to spread happiness and love and unity…This breaks my heart seeing this play out…I’ve been getting lots of people trying to draw me into craziness on social media!!! To the point I’m almost afraid to say anything political and I have to be very careful how I answer…People are losing it… So sad…I am very thankful that you offer this space that I can be myself and breathe…Thank you so much

  4. Cheryl says:

    Trump knows exactly what he’s doing. He’s just expecting a different outcome. He’s not subtle and doesn’t connive well. Does it matter? He’s God in his own universe. The rest of the world doesn’t exist.

  5. lauren raine says:

    Is it possible? Truly? It is terrifying to consider that this would be allowed.

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