Those Google Alerts

 Google Alerts are a venue for connecting people and ideas and often result in – look surprised! – synchronicity. Back in September, we posted a synchronicity called The Grasshopper  that happened to J.B. Priestley’s wife.Recently, thanks to a Google alert, writer Anthony Peake left a comment under that post about a synchronicity involving Priestley.

“I am researching a book on J.B. Priestley and I have just started making notes on “Over The Long High Wall”. I was needing to find an image of the Sutherland lithograph that JBP mentions on page 80. I did a Google search and found you guys and the lithograph. Thank you.”

Another interesting bit with this synchronicity? Last Monday, on his regular “spot” on BBC Radio Merseyside, Tony talked about…you guessed it, synchronicity.

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9 Responses to Those Google Alerts

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I communicate a lot with my animals. If I'm in a sender mode and they are receptive, they respond. I think your story is definitely a synchro.

  2. musingegret says:

    The Geminid meteor showers are at their peak tonight. Can one telepath with an animal? I've recently adopted a feral cat. I'd let him inside to eat some crunchies/kibble and he was prowling around restlessly as I chopped veggies for supper. I thought to myself, "I wish he'd just go lie down on the towel in the entry." No sooner than the thought had crossed my mind he did just that!!! Is that a sync?? LOL

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    There are probably certain times of the month when each of us may be more receptive to synchros – full moons, new moons, solar activity. All of those sound like good places to begin a research project!

  4. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    like deb said with synchronicities i think awareness certainly plays a role – and "openness/sensitivity" to receiving them – and some days i would never do anything but record if i wrote down every single incident of them – have always wanted to do a spreadsheet kind of thing to see if the lunar phases or solar activity, etc, impact frequency/intensity of my experiences – hmmmm…another project –

  5. Nancy says:

    Synchronicities are happening on almost a daily basis for me. But then I'm in "research mode" – so I see them as signposts – sort of like go this way, or check this out, all designed to help my seeker mentality at the moment.

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Lakeviewer – if you have gmail (or maybe if you don't! you can schedule an alert for anything – your name, a phrase, whatever. We scheduled one months ago for "synchronicity."

  7. lakeviewer says:

    Google Alerts?

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Hi Deb,
    If you have another one that you'd like us to post, send it as an e-mail.

  9. Deb Kirkeeide says:

    I have been reading all these stories and have a few of my own to add. It would seem every day I experience it, some small but some very memorable. I would suspect the frequency is due to my increasing awareness and sensitivity.

    Just last night I was thinking I should paint a winter holiday tree, with lights aglow. This morning I had someone request a painting of that sort! As often as this happens, I am always intrigued by the wonder of it all, while at the some time not really surprised.

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