March Astrological Forecast


The best news about March is that Mercury is now direct and won’t turn retrograde again until May 29! So now all your projects and endeavors can move forward again without glitches.

March begins with energetic Mars entering Gemini on the 3rd, a signal that it’s time to have some fun and chat up a storm with friends/family through Zoom or facetime.
On March 4, Mercury and Jupiter meet up in Aquarius, so there’s a marked expansion in communication.

The new moon in Pisces on March 13 is closely conjunct Neptune and Venus, so there’s a dreamy, romantic quality to the day that makes it easier to imagine what you desire – and to attract it.

On March 20, the spring equinox, Jupiter in Aquarius trines the moon in Gemini, and the Sun enters fire sign Aries, bringing a whole new energy into our lives. Do something special for yourself! Also, Saturn trines Mars, Mercury and Uranus sextile each other. Check your sign to see how all this impacts you.

March 28 features a full moon in Libra that trines Saturn in Aquarius. Something is completed and you’ve built a solid foundation with whatever you’ve been working on. This moon is also widely trine Mars, so motivation is your middle name.

We’re moving closer or are in the midst of a paradigm shift. Pay close attention to how you feel, what you think, and ask yourself how you can help during this pandemic.

For the forecast specific to signs, look here.

Here’s the audio version:


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4 Responses to March Astrological Forecast

  1. Cheryl says:

    All good news, sounds like. Even the eclipse season is supposed to be fairly relaxed.

  2. Darren B says:

    It was already March over here in Australia when this forecast hit my Apple Podcast list 🙂

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