Spirit Contact & Cell Phones


At our local dog park, there’s an area on the far side with three benches, where the shade is ideal, that a group of us claim as our own. It started during the trump era, when those of us who gathered there were against everything trump.

Since trump lost,  the conversation in this group sometimes turns to the weird and strange and is way removed from politics. Not long after we had medium Janice Carlson on our podcast, our friend Lloyd asked if we had a copy of her book, Soul Sensing, and we did and lent it to him.

He kept saying that he was a slow reader, but loved her book so far, then one day he told us a story. A spirit contact story, one that would fit into our book Phenomena.

About a year and a half after his wife’s death, Lloyd received a phone call and her name came up in the caller I.D. He explained that all his landline calls were directed to his cell number. So when he saw her number and name, he figured some spammer had gotten her number. But he answered the call and  said nothing. The person on the other end hung up.

We told him we felt this fit the MO of spirit contact. Lloyd, a left-brain type, says he hadn’t thought of this until he had read Janice’s book. But his wife was an empath who saw spirits, so it made  sense.

Here’s an audio sample of the first chapter in the book.


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