Talking Gratitude

We recently interviewed Amelía Aeon Karris for The Mystical Underground podcast. We talked about her book, Synchronicity: Unlock Your Divine Destiny. But we didn’t get a chance to talk to her about any of the numerous self-help exercises she includes in the book. So here’s one of them that deals with gradtitude and neurolinguistic programming.

“The feeling of being happy (or simply being at peace with yourself) is connected to feelings of gratitude. Gratitude can be practiced and exercised, just like a muscle. The more you consciously conjure up feelings of gratitude, the brighter your outlook becomes. When you begin to exercise your gratitude muscle, you will learn how to open yourself to the blessings life brings, no matter what the situation may be.

“This technique is so simple that many people are reluctant to try it, thinking anything this easy cannot possible work. However, the proof is in the results. Try it to understand how effective it is.

“Begin exercising your gratitude muscle throughout your day, and watch the Universe pour its blessings upon you. . It’s easy, and it works. You can download this handy Emotional Guidance Scale to help you out with this exercise at:”

Here are the five basic steps:

1) Listen to what you tell yourself all day long. What type of commentary fills the empty spaces in your mind? If you are not sure, look at yourself in the mirror and you will hear that voice start to chatter. Or simply sit quietly and listen to the thoughts that keep recurring in the background.

2) Choose to change the channel. Many people have been operating on autopilot their whole lives, not realizing they have the power to choose what to think about. When you hear those negative, subconscious tapes running, decide to think about something positive. Find something to be grateful for. It could be as simple as a pretty flower, or the smile of a young person. No matter how bad things seem, there is always something beautiful within reach for which to be grateful.

3) Find something to be grateful for. It could be as simple as a pretty flower, or the smile of a young person. No matter how bad things seem, there is always something beautiful within reach for which to be grateful.

4) Design a set of positive power statements for yourself. Neurolinguistic programming is a simple science that yields extraordinary results. Feed yourself some positive power statements every time you look in the mirror, and notice how it begins to shift your reality. See the power statement examples below to get you going, or create your own. T

5) Trust in the process, and give it a chance. Decide to implement this new healthy habit for the next 30 days. You could find a buddy to exercise your gratitude muscle and positive power statements with, too. This process is a soothing balm to the soul and a gift to your spirit.

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Of course, we have to close by saying, Thank you, Amelía for the great interview and all stories and exercises that you include in your book.


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3 Responses to Talking Gratitude

  1. Cheryl says:

    I first learned about gratitude from Laurie Moore, an animal communicator I reached out to twice after my cat died. She recommends using gratitude to communicate with animals on the other side. It is so easy to feel gratitude for these much loved little ones that the bridge to them practically springs into place. Communication happens, love happens. Gratitude around Laurie is so palpable that you can physically feel it when you sit down next to her. That’s how I learned what to look for in my own meditations. They are almost entirely gratitude, unless I have a crystal skull or something specific to focus on.

    • Trish and Rob says:

      That’s interesting advice and makes sense! I’m going to try it. Thanks,Cheryl!

      • Cheryl says:

        It’s not quite like having them with you but it’s the next best thing. Most welcome, Trish. All my gratitude meditations begin with him.

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