Drinking and Driving

As most parents of teens and twenties, we’ve worried about Megan and beer parties with her college friends, particularly when the partying is mixed with driving. Recently, Megan, home on break, had a few friends over. She and one of them went out to buy beer. The friend who is 21, went in to buy, and 20-year-old Megan waited in the parking lot. She turned off the engine of her car, but for some reason left the headlights on. Five minutes later, when friend and beer returned to the car, it wouldn’t start.

So she called home and one of her friends agreed to go out and give her a jump. I gave her my jumper cables and off she went. Meanwhile, a man in the parking lot saw an attractive young blond standing next to a car with the hood up, came over, and offered to give her a jump. So, Megan was on her way home before Ashley arrived. Instead of turning around when she got a call from Megan Ashley continued on to buy some more beer.

So Megan arrives home and a few minutes later, Ashley calls and says now her car won’t start. Synchronicity. Same plan: buy beer, same result, dead battery.  But luckily, Ashley had gone with my jumper cables and was able to find someone to give her a jump.

So what’s the bigger picture? For mom and dad, it was obvious, don’t drink and drive. Megan protested that they weren’t drinking, they were buying. True, so the message was a warning for the rest of the night, and the rest of their lives.And there could also be a message there about too much partying and wearing down your battery.


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9 Responses to Drinking and Driving

  1. Tru Vani says:

    Great blog…I'll be interested in reading your book when it's published. And thanks for stopping by my blog (www.innerbloom.blogspot.com) and leaving a comment.

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    & the signs come in twos, like the sparrows and the skydiving chutes!

  3. Nancy says:

    Love this synchronicity. Megan is wise enough to see it for what it is, I'll bet. She may not want to admit it, but the signs are there – beer and cars are not a good mix.

  4. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, what a great "sign story" – and, so so right on, if we'd all just pay attention – great story with a great ending!

    oh, and my verification is "sessu" [ie, says you]?

  5. terripatrick says:

    How fun and weird, more beer and another dead battery. Love this (as a parent) yet it's also cool adults were there to lend a hand for the party girls.

    I always say THANK YOU (to the universe) when stuff like this happens. No harm, no foul, and everyone is left with something to ponder.

    * word verification below; "dersest" – I see dearest. 🙂

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    If only we'd all paid attention to these kinds of signs!

  7. Butternut Squash says:

    Sign posts with out a doubt, parents would agree. If only I had paid attention to these signs when I was a teenager. Sometimes I really had to make an effort to do something rotten with all of the obstacles that were placed in my way.

  8. Toumai says:

    There is definitely synchronicity in the works here. The word 'beer' seems to be prominant and indeed the pictures you posted seem to suggest that we take a closer look at the word (ward).

    The world of synchronicity has set up a treasure trove of words (cryptic pictures)that they use as sign posts so that we can get at the crux of what it is they wish to communicate (my take anyway for what its worth… sigh).

    Your posted story is obviously synchronicity in the works because of the 'duplication' (butt, too many two's to ponder what to do ;-)(-;.

    Other than the word beer, there are the two vehicle "break downs"

    Okay, so let's veer to 'beer'… and "break it down" in two: "be" and "er". The word "be" is obvious, butt the second word "er"… hmm, sounds like "err".

    Etymology excerpt says:

    "be": also behind Skt. bhavah "becoming," bhavati "becomes, happens," bhumih "earth, world."

    "err":from PIE base *ers- "wander around" (cf. Skt. arsati "flows," O.E. ierre "angry, straying").

    Hmm, interesting, the origin of err is "ers"… ("be ers" turns into beers).

    So, the world is wandering… the flow is stagnating… fermenting like beer.

    What just popped mysteriously into my head was "One cannot live on beer alone" (with laughter)!!?

  9. Natalie says:

    Hmmmm….don't wanna even think about that bit! Go the dead batteries. 🙂

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