Rick is in the red-shirt to my right.
If you’re on Facebook, you probably know about the memory pics that appear on your home page. You can either ignore them or share. They typically are from that date from another year.
They seem to pop up about once week. Very common occurrence on FB, in other words. But not always commonplace experience for the receiver.
Take the photo above from July 19, 2015 that was sent to me as a memory on July 19, six years later. For me, it was remarkable, because just before going to my FB page to look up something and seeing that memory pic, I had been talking with a friend, Bruce, on Messenger – the second guy from the left in the photo above. He’s from the neighborhood where I grew up, was in my kindergarten class and was a roommate for awhile during my college years. We’ve kept in touch.
Bruce had sent me a series of pics on Messenger from the memorial for our mutual old friend, Rick. He’s the guy in the red t-shirt. That was the last time I saw him. I couldn’t attend the memorial, which was 2,000 miles away, but it was as if Rick was sending a hello from the other side with the pic above showing up as a FB memory.
Wow that’s amazing.