Staff of Kings: The Lost Indiana Jones Novel

Trailer for a surprise on The Mystical Underground

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7 Responses to Staff of Kings: The Lost Indiana Jones Novel

  1. Darren B says:

    I see the first episode drops on Southern Hemisphere Hoodie-Hoo Day (August 22nd), which also happens to be the Owl Guy’s (Mike Clelland) birthday (Whodie-Who Day?-)

    • Trish and Rob says:

      Interesting synchro –

      • Darren B says:

        I just watched the movie ‘Hook’ for the first time the other day, because I read somewhere it was the 30th anniversary of the movie this year, plus Robin Williams and Bob Hoskins have both been dead for 7 years this year.
        And there was a scene where George Lucas and Carrie Fisher make a cameo in that movie (you can see the screen shot in the post I wrote about the movie here) –
        where they have fairy dust dropped on them and fly up into the air off a London bridge.
        I was surprised that Spielberg had modeled Tinkerbell off Carrie Fisher, probably inspired by her hologram scene in Star Wars?
        Apparently Spielberg can’t make it through watching the movie without crying since Robin’s death, as that’s where they met each other for the first time when working on that movie.

        • Trish and Rob says:

          In your blog post on ‘Hook’ mentioned above, there’s a pic labeled Scene from ‘Hook’, just below Mike Clelland’s Messenger book cover, that appears to show a man wearing a Covid mask on the left side of the photo. Strange. What is that?

          • Darren B says:

            Couldn’t see a covid mask in that photo.
            On the left is the girl who plays Peter Pan’s daughter.
            I put that scene in because Peter Pan is on the phone with someone who wants to save a Blue Crosov Owl, which I doubt are real.

      • Darren B says:

        And I noticed today while watching that You Tube again that the last episode is due to be released on the Northern Hoodie-Hoo Day (February 20th) 🙂

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