Indiana Jones Synchronicity

 Dale Dassel and Dr. Jones

The other day I was cleaning out a closet, which I usually do at this time of year, when I came across a box of bound galleys of Indiana Jones novels I wrote years ago. Bound galleys are uncorrected proofs of books that are bound with a plain cover that just displays the title and author. The copies are usually sent out to reviewers and leftovers often are shipped to the author.

So, upon finding them I e-mailed #1 Indiana Jones fan Dale Dassel, who writes on the blog occasionally, and asked if he would like a few of these bound galleys for his Indy collection. Besides being a big reader and a writer himself, Dale collects all the Indiana Jones clothing and paraphernalia. So I wasn’t surprised that he was very interested in the books, especially since I was only charging for the shipping.

Meanwhile, that same evening I started reading The Three ‘ONLY’ Things by Robert Moss and was amused to see him make reference to Indiana Jones within a few pages. Moss explained that he was playing with an idea for a fact-based novel with some “Indiana Jones” touches, in which Winston Churchill and his bodyguard battled Nazi occultists.

He was looking for guidance related to the idea so before heading to the airport to begin a trip, he wrote on an index card: I would like guidance on whether writing a novel about Churchill with an Indiana Jones flavor is a good idea. On the second leg of the trip, while in Chicago’s O’Hare Airport, Moss reached his gate and found a guy in full Indiana Jones regalia. “He has the whole kit: the hat, the jacket, the Sam Browne belt, even the canvas dispatch case. Everything except the whip and the gun.”

Moss, at that point, was thinking that this was his sign. But a part of him was saying that it was a bit too much–over the top. Besides, the guy didn’t look like Harrison Ford and was somewhat chubby. So he boarded his plane, found his seat and started reading a book about Churchill. Just before takeoff, someone interrupted him: “I’m sitting next to you. I swapped seats with a guy so he could sit with his family.” Of course, it’s the Indiana Jones guy. Seating arrangements were scrambled and synchronicity blossomed.

Moss asked if he had the whip. It was at home, along with the revolver. He went on to tell Moss that his garb is all authentic and that the clothes were made by Peter Botwright, who made the clothes for the Indy movies. As an aside he added that Botwright used to be Winston Churchill’s bodyguard.

That was Moss’ cue. He continued his research and began writing the novel.

Meanwhile, I got my closet cleaned and found another synchronicity for the blog. – Rob

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14 Responses to Indiana Jones Synchronicity

  1. Toumai says:

    Should have known you were on top of it. Yes, I wish you all the luck and will be looking for Time Catcher when it hits the shelves.

    Can't help but to say this one last thing considering the emphasis re: "doubles" and "kings" and with today being the 25th and all:

    "And unto us this day two kings were born."

    Happy Birthday to Mithras and Jesus.

    By the way, the words King and Queen come from the same etymological source. Etymologist tend to 'skirt' around the similarity but the two words are related and this can plainly be seen via the word "quinque" (quint- five). Which can be traced to the name Gwendolyn (from Proto Indo Europena base *weid-, *wid- "to see, know"– hence connected to words like wit,white (PIE *kwintos/*Kwindow "bright")vision, video

    In developing vocal language the ancients incorporated their beliefs and so five to them represented reproductive maturity/completion- 5 completes the count on the single hand.

    Butt is one really complete without the other hand– the second star?!!

    And of course Jesus, originally Hebrew Yeshua breaks down in origin to Je squa (THAT, by the way, could be translated to English as "I woman").


  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Well, actually, Toumai, I do have another completed novel, Time Catcher, which involves a young anthropologist, a mysterious artifact, the Hopi rez, and a mythical character. Sound somewhat familiar?

    In fact, as we speak, an editor is reading the manuscript. Well, maybe not on Christmas, but soon. Wish me luck in selling it. -R

  3. Ray says:

    Great blog and some awesome comments.

    Word Verification

    In the Chamorro language means threat or menace.

  4. Toumai says:

    Now THAT was weird!! It keep on churning.

    I like the spirit of Indy – adventure, action, mystery fiction interspersed with bits of history and anthropology, even though some factual content may be misconstrued… hey, not unlike actual recorded history! Butt I have to say, even better are the characters in real time –authors Rob and Trish MacGregor.

    Rob, in regards to Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings, maybe you can turn it around by flipping it inside out. Since the river of synchronicity has already led you along the Royal line as of late (the King maker…Stephen King…Staff of Kings…). So maybe you should look to the example of a particular ‘young’ Royal who a few years back had turned his own ‘jacket’ inside out–the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air (hope you saw the intro to the show). Note how Stephen King also turned the words around to name his show- The Pop of King from Michael Jackson’s the King of Pop (aha, a pattern).

    You could take the essence of Staff of Kings, couch it in a new novel which you could then call maybe… something like: River Jung and the King of El (will take just a little crytic mind bending). Now that would be a rather cheeky Brave Heart style thing to do.

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Aleksander – these are biggies you mentioned, cluster synchronicities that span – what? Four months? Maybe cluster is the wrong word. They're more like connective tissue!

  6. Aleksandar Malecic says:

    Let's see. I found this blog in August in Google (synchronicity, wolf, tiger – see the text about Poe and cannibals from July 22 and my comments). I searched those words because in the novel Carigradski drum by Nenad Ilic (Road to Constantinople – available only in Serbian) is mentioned my name (there is a character Aleksandar who is in one moment reading about himself (as a reader) from an old manuscript), my mother's name, coincidences, time as an illusion and wolf and tiger. For more coincidences, wolves and tigers you can see my comments there. Then in this blog something weird happened in December 10 (Ecstatic Postures – see the comments). In December 14 (Herding Elephants) Whipwarrior added a comment about his synchronicity (Indiana Jones included). I had in January a text in my blog (Myspace – in Serbian) about ants who can together (led by synchronicity) be big like an elephant. That text has also been followed with a synchronicity. Let's return to your blog. I had added a comment (Raising Lazarus) about storytelling and novels before you posted this text about Indiana Jones. Can you follow me? It's complicated. These events look to me like a huge array of synchronicities.

  7. whipwarrior says:

    Talk about timing! Now THAT is synchronicity! I sent that particular card as a nice thank-you for writing the best Indy books in the series, and for being so cool to me over the years. Plus, the message is implicit: Indy really IS forever. Once you've been published, your work is immortalized in the history of the character. And it just seemed like the perfect card since they don't make Indiana Jones Christmas cards, otherwise you would have received one of those from me. 🙂

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Okay, after I read your comments, Toumai, my first thoughts were that this year has had some ups and downs as far as my relationship to the Indiana Jones saga.

    First, I received a very generous surprise royalty check for my Indy books. After all, I had written them all in the early to mid '90s, and while most of the books were still in print,sales had slowed to a trickle until Kingdom of the Crystal Skull came out. The movie, of course, boosted sales, both domestic and foreign.

    On the other hand, through a series of misunderstandings and changing circumstances between LucasFilm and Bantam Books, my eighth Indiana Jones novel, Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings, didn't get published, and probably will never see the light of day…or the day of light. I won't go into the boring details.

    So as I was about to start responding here, Trish handed me the mail. In it I found a note from Dale Dassel along with payment for shipping of the galleys to him. In addition, he sent along an Indiana Jones card called, INDY FOREVER!

    Here's what it says on the back of the card.

    "Far richer than it was before his most recent adventure, a revitalized Dr. Jones sits back and considers the future. Is it finally time to take a breather, he ponders, and perhaps pass the torch to a different "finder of lost treasures"? After all, young Mutt is clever, self-sufficient and extremely resourceful, a worth successor to his two-fisted friend. But for now, the scientist/teacher decides that only one person should be wearing his familiar, battered fedora… and the legend of Indiana Jones lives on!"

    So, for me, I interpret all of these Indy-related events as a nudge to look forward, not back. Out with the old galleys, and onward to new things.

  9. whipwarrior says:

    Rob, thanks for using my pic! It was fun to photoshop. I had no idea that Peter Botwright was Churchill's bodyguard! He never mentioned it on the IndyGear forum. I understand about leaving the whip at home when traveling. The FAA classifies the bullwhip as a weapon, and they will be confiscated if found. That's why I have to mail mine to California before I fly there next year.

  10. Toumai says:

    It never ceases to amaze me. An Indy double leads to double synchronicity.

    Maybe there’s more. By exploring the many possibilities we are in a fashion not only acknowledging the ‘world of synchronicity’, we are asking “is it this? Or is it this…?” A familiar method of teaching/learning language (including sign).

    In other words, if synchronicity is a form of communication than as we explore the variety of possibilities, it gives the inner world more room to work… they respond then by moving us along… to greater understanding via other patterns/sychronicities.

    From my perspective, the sooner we learn the language, the less apt they will be to use the ‘rough house’ method of trying to get our attention.

    So diving deep: what does “Indiana Jones” break down to in the etymological sense of the words? Indiana coming from Sanskrit –“Sindhu”(river) and Jones(also known as Jack, John, Jung, junc (boat) and Young- hence French “jeune”-meaning young) derived from Hebrew “Yahweh” (God). So, “River Young”… or maybe “River God”… or maybe "river boat".

    We often refer to schools of thoughts as being rivers or streams… and rivers are essentially a flow that keeps our lakes and rivers from becoming stagnant.

    I think your own Indy experience, Rob, may lend a broader perspective/clue… what is ticking inside your brain as far as interpretations go?

    No harm in exploring and much to gain.

  11. Aleksandar Malecic says:

    Well, after this story (with your flavor) – synchronicity definitely exists, case closed!

  12. Jeff says:

    Interesting how that after he first doubted the significance of the guy dressed in the Indy suit, the synchronicity was persistent enough to make itself known again and then add an extra tidbit about the clothing designer having been Churchill's bodyguard too!

  13. Gail says:

    Wow! My sister speaks of this all the time and says they are messages and I should listen.

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