







This evening we met some dog park friends for dinner whom we hadn’t seen since the pandemic started. Caren and her partner, Tom. I also asked Arlene, another dog park friend, to join us since her husband is out of town this evening.

Both Caren and Arlene are from New York but have been in this area for decades. At some point during dinner, they traded information – where they each lived, went to school. Neighborhood landmarks and restaurants were named. It turns out they went to the same high school, a year apart, and also lived within a few blocks of each others.

The usual response to this type of synchronicity is, Wow, small world. What it illustrates, though, is how intricately we are all connected.

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6 Responses to Connectedness

  1. Caren says:

    It was a great time seeing you and Rob. We loved meeting Arlene too and that was an interesting synchro considering she has been going to Wellington dog park for years and although I haven’t gone to that park in about 5 years, we never ever met before.

  2. lauren raine says:

    I have also been amazed at how these things seem to happen, and how people don’t seem to notice the incredible odds! I have two friends in Tucson, who I met through a mutual friend, and we all have collaborated on a number of art projects. In fact, in the past 10 years, they are the only people in Tucson where I live that I have collaborated on art projects with.

    In 2009 I was resident artist at Wesley Theological Center for the Arts and Religion in Washington D.C. I did my community arts project based on the legend of Spider Woman, the Weaver of the “Web of Interdependence” there. Turns out Kathy was resident artist there several years before me.

    In 2007 I was given a Fellowship at the Alden Dow Creativity Center in Midland, Michigan, where I had a show based on the Spider Woman metaphor. Turns out Tracy was born and raised in Midland.

    Both of those residencies were deeply creative for me……….how odd indeed that my friends and collaborators should have also been there!

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