Finding Your Calling

Gregg Levoy, the author of CALLINGS, will be our guest in early December on The Mystical Underground podcast. We’re looking forward to meeting him. His book is beautifully written. Here’s a couple paragraphs from it.

Our lives are measured out in coffee-spoons, wrote T.S. Eliot; not in the grand sweeps, but in the small gestures. The great breakthroughs in our lives generally happen only as a result of the accumulation of innumerable small steps and minor achievements. We’re called to reach out to someone, to pick up an odd book on the library shelf, to sign up for a class even though we’re convinced we don’t have the time or money, to go to our desks each day, to turn left instead of right. These are the fire-drills for our bigger calls.

“I don’t ask for the full ringing of the bell,” wrote the poet Wallace Stevens. “I don’t ask for a clap of thunder that would rend the veil in the temple. A scrawny cry will do, from far off there among the willows and the cattails, from far off there among the galaxies.”

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2 Responses to Finding Your Calling

  1. lauren raine says:

    Beautiful! Thank you.
    Lately I have been indulging in Gratitude for the long life I have been privileged to have, all the wonders I’ve seen along the way.

    • Trish and Rob says:

      Same here, Lauren! It will be interesting to see what the lunar eclipse on Nov 19 reveals. It’s in Taurus

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