Synchronistic Clues At the Bookstore


Today (12/18) Megan and I went out to do girl stuff – hair, shopping – and of course we stopped at Barnes and Noble. While she was cruising the music aisles, I went over to the science fiction section. I walked up and down the aisles, hoping a title or author would jump out at me. I had been reading the Robert Moss book – specifically about environmental clues and signs that can answer questions. So I asked: Is there any book here for me today?

At that very moment, a woman sitting in the magazine section was talking on her cell phone. Well, not exactly talking. She said only one word, three times. “No. No. No.”

Could it get any clearer than that?

I walked out of the science fiction to go look for Megan and we went home.
– Trish

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2 Responses to Synchronistic Clues At the Bookstore

  1. Nancy says:

    Couldn't have been any more clear. When my daughter and I went to the book store a book on the Four Agreements fell out of the book shelf at least twice. I finally bought it!

  2. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    too too funny – and perfectly clear, even from delaware!!! 🙂

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