STENCH! A Global Synchro!


With abortion rights on the verge of being overthrown after fifty years by the conservative majority on the Supreme Court, the three liberal leaning justices all raised the issue of how this ruling will affect the future of the court. (To say nothing of how it will affect women!)

As Justice Sonia Sotomayer put it the Supreme Court would not “survive the stench” if the court were to uphold Mississippi’s controversial 15-week abortion and ignore precedent rulings supporting abortion rights.

Specifically, she said: “Will this institution survive the stench that this creates in the public perception that the Constitution and its reading are just political acts?” she asked. “I don’t see how it is possible.”

This issue, finally coming to a head in the Supreme Court, will no doubt attract worldwide attention. Therefore, it fits under the category that we called THE GLOBAL  in The 7 Secrets of Synchronicity. We wrote: When synchronicities manifest themselves through global events, the universe seems to be addressing us as a collective.

So it was startling, but not surprising, when within an hour of hearing Sotomayer’s comment about “stench” that I finished a game of Words With Friends that featured the word STENCH. Not only did it appear at the top of the board, but when the game ended it was listed as the game’s top-scoring word because it fell on a triple-word score placement.

The justice’s comment had no conscious bearing on my creating that word because I made it before I heard the comment. Even if it had come after hearing the word, what would be the chances that I would find the letters to create it? Not very likely.

A global synchro, for sure.





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2 Responses to STENCH! A Global Synchro!

  1. lauren raine says:

    Quite amazing, quite true. This is truly a troubled country, backsliding into old and cruel ways when we are so desperately in need of true leadership.

    Having been a girl who got pregnant before abortion was possible (unless you wanted to risk your life in Mexico) I have a personal experience of this issue. I had the good sense to give the child up for adoption, and because she was white, she had a good chance to be adopted into a good family. Which she was. But this is not true for many infants, especially those of color, or those born to drug addicted mothers, or that have disabilities, like downs syndrome babies born to alchoholic mothers.

    But I also know how hard it is go give up a baby, and the statistics show the majority of young girls (and many girls get pregnant at 14, 15, 16) do keep their babies, resulting in an immature single mother and a child often growing up in poverty, neglect, and abuse. Little if any provision is made in the Republican manifesto for those girls, or those children.

    Culturally, this issue of abortion is based patriarchy and the control of women.

    • Trish and Rob says:

      And what about a woman who is raped? Why should she be forced to give birth to that child?

      I’m really sorry you had to go through this, Lauren. The republicans have become a death cult that pretends to have values.

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