Oh, oh, they’re coming for us…

We’ve all heard stories of deceased friends or family members greeting a new arrival to the afterlife. The stories typically come from people who have had near-death experiences and were told it wasn’t their time yet. But apparently deceased loved ones sometimes visit us in our everyday lives and tell us that it’s our time to leave this life.

That’s the case with the following story which appeared in by Sharon Hewitt Rawlette’s 25,000-word essay, Beyond Death: The Best Evidence for Survival of Human Consciousness. The essay was entered into the Bigelow Institute’s contest for proof that life continues after death, and Sharon won $50,000 for her entry. At this writing, we’re looking forward to interviewing Sharon for The Mystical Underground  podcast in a few days.

Here’s one of the stories she includes that suggests that our deceased loved ones can cross into our world and let us know we’ll join them soon.

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As we’ve seen, one type of new, verifiable information that can be provided by an apparition is that the person appearing is recently deceased, as well as the manner in which they died. But sometimes the information provided is about someone other than the one doing the appearing. For instance, a widower named Gary confided in researcher Dianne Arcangel that he was starting to have a lot of vivid after-death encounters. He was puzzled in particular by something that had happened while he was washing his car in preparation for trading it in.

He told Arcangel, “I saw my wife standing there as plain as day. She said, ‘Don’t bother. Just enjoy your family and friends because you’ll be with me soon.’” Gary was in great health and actually starting to enjoy life again, so he didn’t know what to make of his wife’s comment. Nevertheless, only hours after Gary told her this story, Arcangel got a call from Gary’s work informing her he’d just been killed in a car accident.

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I thought it was interesting that his wife told him not to bother washing the car, which not only suggests that she knew he would die soon, but also possibly that she knew he would die in a car wreck.


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13 Responses to Oh, oh, they’re coming for us…

  1. Jane says:

    I saw a great Aunt around the time she died in another county, she glided across my bedroom at 4 am and said telepathically Don’t be afraid I’ve come to see the child before I go and looked at my 3 year old daughter in bed beside me. Her won sister another great aunt also somuer some weeks later standing on the landing of her home.

    A number of times relatives that have previously died have come to me in spirit to tell me other family members will be joining them soon, in particular my partner George both his deceased MUm and brother came to tell me he would be joining them, within weeks he had a sudden dart attack and died.
    I’ve had many accurate premonitions of death over the years and also feel friends or loved Ines at the moment of their transition I seem to be energetically present with them to assist , like a midwife helping them birth into the next dimension.
    It is said we die 3 times, when we are born out of the water if the womb into this dimension, when we physically die and the last time someone speaks our name. This interests me perhaps when our name is no less ne’er spoken in this dimension we stop vibrating in this dimension ?
    I do believe death is destined and no healer or doctor can save you if your time is up !

    • Trish and Rob says:

      Thanks for sharing these stories/experiences, Jane. Very weird about the name thing. I remember reading a novel some years back when a guy who was in the afterlife was anxious about what would happen when no one was left in the physical who remembered him.

  2. Darren B says:

    My take with NDEs are that they are programmed into your life experience before you get here and that you are given a Hobson’s choice by whoever you meet on “the other side” when it is “not your time” because when they say that you can stay if you want to … and that it is “your” choice as to whether you want to come back or not, do you notice that the ones who say they want to stay get pushed back here anyway?
    I know because I tried to commit suicide in my late teens and should have died but I was told by “a voice” that I can always die another day, but not today and to think about it, which of course was the only choice I had in reality, because I was never meant to die that day.
    I have lived one day at a time since then, which is the only way to really live in my opinion.
    And while I have never tried to take my life since that day, I have survived some very close calls where that same voice has saved me from going through a green light that would have surely killed me and similar situations.
    Of course I would imagine that the day that I’m meant to die that same voice will put me under a truck or bus. 🙂
    An Australian Prime-minster once famously said that “life wasn’t meant to be easy” and ironically I met him in person about 6 months before he died … and that meeting was an accident … or was it? 😉

    • Trish and Rob says:

      So you’ve got protection. I’m glad your suicide attempt failed, Daz.

      • Darren B says:

        I don’t have any more protection than anybody else does in life.
        My point is when you’re number is up, it’s up.
        When it’s not it’s not.
        NDEs are a part of the life experience that you came down here for is my point.
        They lead to the next part of your life journey that you signed up for before you came down here I think.
        If you have one you are meant to have one, and if you come back it is a Hobson’s choice you were given, because you were coming back anyway, you don’t really have the choice they say that you do, because that would throw too big of a spanner in the works of all the other lives you would effect down here.

        • Trish and Rob says:

          By protection, I mean an inner protection because you’re receptive to intuitive guidance, Daz.

  3. Darren B says:

    I watched a You Tube interview at the ‘New Thinking Allowed’ You Tube channel today where the winner of that essay competition Jeff Mishlove interviewed Sharon Rawlette about her essay and the topic of synchronicity when they were in Vegas to receive their prizes for their essays.
    Here’s the You Tube link –

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