


I’ve been reading 9 Keys of Synchronicity by Philip Merry, an entrepreneur and synchronicity wise man. Philip’s book is filled with stories about how synchronicity works in daily life. One of the most remarkable stories involved $15,000.

On a hot sticky afternoon in Singapore in November 1995, Philip Merry experienced a mind-blowing synchronicity. It was 3:50 p.m. He was reviewing his company’s finances and realized he needed $15,000 to balance the books that month. He wondered where he going to get the money.

As he wrote in 9 Keys of Synchronicity, “At 4:00 p.m., I received a call from a Dutch colleague, Dr. Fons Trompenaars, who said that he needed a speaker in Beijing the following week. I checked my diary and found I was free. There was a pause, and then Fons said, ‘Philip you will also be pleased because it is a good fee: $15,000.’’”

So within ten minutes of Philip realizing he needed $15,000, an opportunity opened for him to be paid exactly that sum. “How is it that I could wish for funds and ten minutes later the precise amount of money was delivered to me? If I had any influence in this, then this was a part of ‘me’ that I did not know.”

This may be one of the most rapid manifestations we’ve ever heard about. Our immediately reaction is the same as Philip’s was: how’d that happen so quickly? Can it be taught? Can anyone learn how to make a wish and have it answered ten minutes later?

Philip will be a guest on our podcast on February 27. Can’t wait!

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9 Responses to Manifestation

  1. Philip Merry says:

    Darren – I don’t fully believe in fate nor do I fully believe that individuals attract synchronicity. This event of attracting $15,000 happened at a time when things were aligned for this to happen. I do however believe that there are things we can do to get the cogs moving. I don’t think there is no definitive causation in synchronicity – we are still searching but can put out some suggestions. My 9 Keys is based on PhD field research to ascertain suggestions on what facilitates synchronicity.

  2. Darren B says:

    I think that sometimes life lines you up, not the other way round.
    He was just at that point in his life’s timeline where those two events were timed to happen.
    The illusion of personal manifestation is that the individual is doing the attracting whereas I believe that life (the collective unconscious) is doing the lining up.
    Take a step back and see just how many cogs are in motion behind the scenes, which of course is way too many to see fully.
    But hey, we all like to believe that we can do magic, which is why lucky charms are big sellers.
    As are books on manifestation and the power of attraction 😉

    • Trish and Rob says:

      I agree with you about some points, but… If thoughts create our individual reality, and our desire or need for something is great enough, it sometimes manifests. I don’t think of it as magic. To me, it’s synchronicity. It’s what happened when you were burying your cat, Sylvester…and that song came on. Synchronicity IS a kind of magic.

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