Name synchros

What’s my full name?

If I meet someone with my first name, Rob, it’s not a synchronicity. There are a lot of us around. But names do play into synchronicity when the odds of two unusual ones coming together seems highly unlikely. That’s what happened to me recently on two different occasions with names that I’d never previously heard.

One of the names is Tarun. I’m ghostwriting a novel with a character by that name and at one point I realized that Tarun needed a last name. I do ghostwriting through a British company called Reedsy. So I went to my Reedsy site to contact the author ask him for a suggestion for a last name.

However, before I found him on a list of authors who had contacted me, I noticed a new inquiry had popped up and amazingly the author who was looking for a ghostwriter was named Tarun. Since I’d never heard the name prior to working on the novel, I was surprised to see another Tarun come to me for help with his novel.

I saw this Tarun’s last name was Morar and decided that would work fine for the other Tarun. So with that, the hopeful author’s full name became a character’s name in another author’s book. Synchronicity.

Ultimately, I did not work with the new Tarun on his project. I did relate the synchronicity to him, though. His response was silence. A case of a synchro impressing me, but not one of the participants in the synchro.

The second name synchro that happened in close proximity to the first one involves a character’s name in the Netflix series, Succession. The daughter in the well-to-do neurotic family that owns a media empire goes by the nickname Shiv. But her full name is the other one that I wasn’t familiar with. After watching an episode recently, I tried to remember the name but couldn’t. That bothers me when I forget names. So I went online looking for it and quickly found it: Siobhan. In doing so, I went on Facebook and saw that I had a new friend request. Amazingly, the request was from a Siobhan. Like attracts like! What are the chances of that?

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6 Responses to Name synchros

  1. Darren B says:

    Funnily enough that’s Australian actress Sarah Snook pictured at the top of your post and my ex-wife and I were going to name our daughter Sarah, if we had a daughter the first time round, as it was my pick, but we had a son named Kevin.
    Then my wife was going to name the second child Sean whether the child was a boy or a girl, so I can’t say that I wasn’t relieved we had another son, as Sean does not appeal to me as a girl’s name.
    It would have been my turn again for the third child and I would have stuck with Sarah for a girl, but we didn’t have any more kids.
    Sarah Snook plays Jane/John in the movie ‘Predestination’ written and directed by the twin Spierig brothers who my eldest son Kevin did some work experience with when he was in high school, as the brothers are Brisbane based.
    So I guess Kev was predestined not to be a Sarah after all in this life 🙂

    • Trish and Rob says:

      Kevin didn’t want to be a Sarah!
      Hear there are major floods down under. Hope they aren’t close to you.

      • Darren B says:

        Well, who knows these days, maybe he does want to be a Sarah? 😉
        The floods were close enough for me, but if my place gets flooded then most of Brisbane would be under.
        Still the heavy rain that caused the first major flooding in Brisbane wrecked my plasterboard bedroom ceiling, as the water got under my roof tiles and soaked it and now it looks like someone took a wiz on my ceiling.
        My insurance won’t pay out because it has to be more than $5000 worth of damage, so I’ll just leave it like that until I sell the joint.
        Still I’m grateful that I didn’t buy the homes I had planned on buying down in the Northern Rivers region a few years back, as they all went under to some degree.
        A lot of people are doing it tough in South Queensland and Northern New South Wales, some losing everything … about 14 even losing their lives.
        So I count my blessings that all I have to complain about is a pissy looking bedroom ceiling and a crook for an insurance broker.

        • Trish and Rob says:

          Wow, Daz.I’m glad you didn’t buy in that region. A pissy looking ceiling is a hell of a lot better than losing everything!

          Stay safe!

  2. Adele says:

    Wow! Those synchros were amazing – not that all synchros aren’t, but still – Tarun is a name I never heard of.

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