An Indiana Jones love story

Back in the early 1990s, I wrote seven Indiana Jones novels in a fury over two and a half years. Except for The Last Crusade, which I adapted from the script, the novels were released twice a year without any fanfare. The editor at Bantam Books, who also edited Star Wars novels, liked to point out to me that there were far fewer Indy fans than Star Wars fans. While she said the fan base was relatively small, Indiana Jones fans were very hard core. Meaning they vicariously lived the life of the iconic archaeologist/adventure, watched the movies over and over, read the books, and bought the gear—preferably the identical jacket, fedora, whip, etc. that were in the movies.

Some of these “hard core” fans began contacting me with questions and sending their copies of the novels for autographs. By then, I was working on other novels and non-fiction projects, but I’ve always responded to the Indy fans. One of the early correspondents was Dale Dassel, who still comes here on the blog. He knows far more about the Indy saga than I do, and he knows my novels much better than I do. I wrote them, but I’ve never read them. Dale, on the other hand, has read them dozens of times, and that’s no exaggeration. Not long ago, he told me I should read them. “They’re really pretty good stories,” he said.

Indy fans typically are guys. Female fans are more muted. For example, my daughter visited an old friend in Denver a few years ago. The friend is a lawyer involved in environmental issues, a serious person. So Megan was surprised to see one of my Indy novels on her bookshelf. Then she found another and another, and realized her friend had all my books. “Did you know my dad wrote those books?” she asked. “What, I didn’t know that.”

That said, there was one woman who years ago wrote me a lot. Truthfully, she was a bit annoying. But I still responded. Then I didn’t hear from her for a few years, and I figured she’d moved on from her Indiana Jones fascination. Wrong. A couple of years ago, Jennifer was back again, and she was still very much among the so-called hard-core. I responded to her a few times, then it occurred to me – why don’t I introduce her to Dale Dassel, and the two of them can compare Indy notes since they obviously have so much in common. They might get along well.

At first, Dale seemed a bit hesitant and Jennifer was somewhat wary because I think other Indy fans had dissed her in the past. But eventually they agreed to exchange e-mails…and life for those two Indy recluses has never been the same.  Dale lives in Georgia and Jennifer in Buffalo. They became fast friends and a few months ago Dale visited her for a week, cementing their relationship.

Just recently I received the latest edition of their story. Dale wrote me from the Buffalo airport with Jennifer at his side. She was leaving Buffalo behind and joining Dale. “This past weekend we packed up her stuff and mailed it to Georgia. Jen has no reason to stay in NY since her parents are gone.”

They will initially stay with Dale’s father, where Dale has been living, then find their own place in Byron, Georgia. Meanwhile, Jennifer is coming home to one incredible Indiana Jones museum that Dale has created in the family house.

“You and Indiana Jones changed our lives!” Dale wrote in the email. “Our future is together; every time we watch an Indy movie, we will be side by side; we can help each other write Indy fan fiction, crack whips together… and all because George Lucas created Indiana Jones and Rob MacGregor wrote half of the novels in the series. And that’s truly a beautiful story.” 🥰

Dale is actually a quite accomplished novelist and Jennifer also is an inspired writer. I’ve suggested that they branch out. But so far, and I guess not surprisingly, they’re focused on Indy fan fiction. Dale’s novel Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, based on an Indiana Jones computer game story, was completed a decade ago and is a popular read among Indy’s hard core…and beyond.

On their way to a new life…



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24 Responses to An Indiana Jones love story

  1. Canyon says:

    I have known Jennifer and Dale for many years, although I have never met Dale in person. They are both wonderful people and I wish them all the happiness in the world!

    I first met Jennifer at an Indy summit in upstate New York many years ago and we got on very well. Some time later we lost touch and a couple of years ago we reconnected. The summit was hosted by the same online forum that I ‘met’ Dale and both he and Jennifer, like myself, are very passionate Indy fans!!!

    I, too met my other half through the hobby and I can certainly understand what it’s like to be in a long distance relationship!

    Here’s to you, ya crazy kids!

  2. Jennifer Feher says:

    Hey Rob, Trish and everyone here! I just posted this on FaceBook along with a link to this blog post. Thank you all SO MUCH for your kind comments and wishing us luck, love and positivity on this great “Loventure” of ours. And thanks again, Rob, for making this all happen with the help of Lucas “and company!” I can’t wait to see what’s around the next corner for us!
    Today it’s been one month since I arrived here in Georgia to be with my sweetheart, Dale. I’m still getting settled and used to my new surroundings. It’s been emotional and challenging, but overall it’s been wonderful and absolutely worth leaving where I’ve lived my entire life in New York! My circumstances and, therefore, my overall health, has improved greatly. I’m still getting over leaving where I’ve always lived and coping with a chronic illness, but those who know me well know that the healthiest and safest option for me was to simply leave. Dale has indeed turned out to be my “Indiana Jones,” rescuing me from a scary and uncertain fate. He is literally MY HERO! A friend of ours, Rob MacGregor, who wrote several Indiana Jones novels, was the catalyst that brought us together. My search for one of his books led me to finding Dale, “My Indy!” Rob wrote a post on his blog about it, which you can read here. All this has taught me to believe in myself, trust the love that came my way and to follow my own advice: “Nothing ADventured, nothing gained!” Life is indeed a wonderful, challenging, exciting “Loventure!” I can’t WAIT for what happens next!

    • Trish and Rob says:

      Wonderful that you got to Georgia and even better, that you moved there with Dale, one of our favorite Indy people! Best of everything to you both.

  3. Dale Dassel says:

    Thanks for all the good wishes, everyone! Apologies for not responding sooner, but it’s been a very busy few weeks since we decided to do this! Very sudden (and exciting!) decision to move Jen down here with me, and I’m happy that we pulled it off successfully, and prior to the next Merc retrograde period.

    Jennifer is settling in and adjusting to life in a different region than the one she’s lived in since her birth, and I give her so much credit for her bravery and determination in making this leap of faith with me. Indy would be proud of her! We still have quite a ways to go yet, but the hardest part is behind us now. I’ve never packed up an entire house and shipped everything in a single weekend, followed by a nonstop flight the next morning, and I never want to do it again! We were fairly burned out when we arrived in Georgia, and it has taken the better part of the following 2 weeks to unwind and recover from our whirlwind trip. It wasn’t easy, but it is worth it for all the happiness we can now share together instead of being separated by computer screens 800 miles apart.

    • Trish and Rob says:


    • Trish and Rob says:

      Good going, Dale. I can’t imagine how you did it so fast. I would need a huge Dumpster, because of all the accumulated stuff that would need to be dumped if we were to make a long distance move. Good luck to you and Jennifer. New adventures ahead!

      • Dale Dassel says:

        We only packed the essentials and items of sentimental value; everything else was left behind, including the furniture. All of her belongings in less than 20 boxes, plus a few suitcases. It was a mad rush against the clock before the moving van arrived to haul everything to the UPS store, and then we flew out the following day. I’ve never worked that fast in my life! But it was absolutely worth the effort for – as you said – all the adventures ahead of us!

  4. Prissydag says:

    How sweet. Shows you that you just never know.

  5. Josh Bales says:

    I love this so much. Thanks for sharing, Rob.

  6. Darren B says:

    Mazel tov/Congratulations Dale & Jennifer.
    I like how you posted this on March 23rd Rob and that there is a 23 in the top picture in the Buffalo airport departure lounge 🙂
    And good to see the love birds wearing their masks on the flight.
    And on the subject of Covid, Indy and Star Wars here’s a link to a synch film Jake Kotze made starring Indy and Hans Solo –
    Cheers 🙂

  7. Adele says:

    I LOVE this story! Just wonderful for so many reasons. ❤️

  8. Tunde says:

    Beautiful story. Wishing the lovely couple all the best

  9. Kelly A says:

    What an amazing story! Thank you for sharing, I wish them all the happiness together in their new life! 🙂

    • Trish and Rob says:

      When Rob showed me the pics and the email from Dale, my first reaction was that it had to be a blog post. It’s so positive and uplifting.

  10. Caren says:

    How wonderful❤️

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