Tech Nightmare: a Lesson About Astrology


Recently, I experienced about a week of a technological nightmare. At least, for me, it was a nightmare.

We had just received our latest bill from Xfinity – Comcast – for the month’s TV and Internet. It was nearly 200 bucks. We don’t watch 200 bucks worth of TV. We watch the news – usually MSNBC – and on alternate nights watch an hour of whatever series has captured our interest. So on March 21, I dropped into an ATT office to find out what they charged for just Internet. We figured our TV would be through Firestick and bought one through Amazon for $25, on sale.

I’m not a great fan of ATT or of any of these companies. BUT. I wanted a lower price. ATT offered just Internet for  $55 a month. It included HBO Max. I signed up. I asked if they could install their equipment before March 23, the last day of the billing cycle for Xfinity. ATT scheduled a technician to come out on March 23. Perfect.

The tech was here for several hours, had to come back the next day, and as soon as he’d left, and we had our new Internet, I returned Xfinity’s equipment.

We spent the next few days fiddling around with Firestick. There are all sort of services to which you can subscribe, but none of them included live streaming MSNBC or CNN. All you got were 10-minute clips. So back to ATT I went and asked what kind of basic TV service they had.

They have something new – at least new to me – DirectTV Streaming. 70 bucks. It provides what we watch. We’re paying  less than we were paying to Xfinity. Great. We were set.

On March 26, I decided it was time to update the operating system on my iMac to Monterrey. Well, my update got stuck with less than a minute remaining and I spent 5 hours trying to fix it. I finally gave up and the next day, took it to Pro PCs, a computer place that has been recommended by several friends. Allen the owner and whiz kid, is my new hero. He put in a new hard drive that’s much faster. My Mac runs like a new computer. He was able to save all my files.

But because it’s a new drive, I’ve had to re-enter – i.e., find – all my passwords, app programs, bookmarks. Also, initially, I couldn’t get the computer to connect to the internet. This required 2 hours on the phone with an ATT tech. He eventually figured out that the problem was my password. I had used a capital letter where a lower case letter was needed.

Fantastic! I tried to print something from this new hard drive and discovered that my Canon printer had died. I just ordered a new one from Amazon. The past week has felt like a major Mercury retrograde, but Mercury doesn’t go retro until May 10. (You can see how far back I wrote this!)

So I tried to look at the transits to my birth chart, but the astrology program on my new drive asked for my license number. It took me more than an hour to find an email from 2016 that provided it.

For me, the transits provided a major clue. Durjng this period, Uranus in Taurus was conjunct my natal Mars in Taurus, 7th house. I think of Uranus as the planet that shakes stuff up, the great awakener that brings on innovation and sudden, unexpected change. Mars governs our physicality, sexuality, motivation. It’s what moves us forward. The 7th house of partnerships represents the people I dealt with throughout – technicians, computer whizzes, salesmen and women, corporate entities.

Tonight, April 3, that conjunction is just 4 minutes from exact.  In essence,when it comes to a handful of minutes rather than degrees, it’s a conjunction. Once my printer arrives and I don’t have to return it, then I think I’m in the clear.

For now.

PS. My printer is NOT working right. Not in the clear. But there’s a remedy: Rob’s Brother computer is on our network, so I just print my charts and stuff on his computer. Today, May 19, Uranus is  two degrees past my natal Mars.

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6 Responses to Tech Nightmare: a Lesson About Astrology

  1. Caren says:

    Wow, sorry u had to go thru all that. I thought I was the only one stuff like that happened to. I want to eliminate Xfinity too. My bill runs nearly $250/month and Tom and I watch just about what u guys watch. I hate that they charge for sports every month when I don’t watch sports. I have been hesitant because I have a bundle and if I just use their WiFi I will lose my land line but I think I’m ready to let it go. I was thinking of ATT fiber but it’s not in my neighborhood yet. At any rate I just saw that Verizon is offering 5G WiFi that is available in my neighborhood. We use Verizon for our cell phones. We are planning to check it out this week. They advertise it for $50 or $55 a month (I forget) but we really like Verizon.

    • Trish and Rob says:

      You’re not alone!
      I’m going to check out Youtube TV, as a couple people here suggested. I just got fed up with Xfinity. Their price kept rising.

  2. Nancy says:

    Ugh. I’ve had similar problems. My keypad decided to lock me out of my house without warning after returning for a mile swim, and before coffee! After numerous attempts to get into my very locked house, including going over a fence (not a good scene, lol), $407 later I was able to finally have my coffee.

    BTW, just went through all the same issues with cutting the cord. UTube TV has live MSNBC and also a DVR which is unlimited. So I now have that, ATT Internet (which is fiber optic so it’s good), and other streaming I pay for, but still save $45 a month with just the Internet and UTube TV.

    Now if I can figure out why my computer refuses to show me email from our HOA…

  3. Adele says:

    All I can say is OMG!!

    By the way, I get YouTubeTV and it gets MSNBC and a ton more.

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