Recently, our blog has been getting a lot of spam. Since comments are held in moderation until they’re approved or deleted, it hasn’t been a huge problem. But this recent trend started with spam from an alleged hairstylist site. Then it morphed into random spam about Jesus and numbers in the bible. And now we’re getting porn spam.

Who writes this stuff?

Some of it seems to be from porn websites. Click here for…take your pick of the type of porn. But the rest of it seems to be from individuals whose emails feature a guy’s name. These are usually so long that to delete them, I have to scroll down for what feels like a short forever. These long treatises appear to be porn stories.Whoever writes this shit must have nearly endless amounts of time, an excess of hormones, and not a clue about writing.
Want to write porn? Forget 50 Shades of Grey by E.L James. Try literate porn: Anais Nin’s “erotica” and Henry Miller’s – well, whatever.


I got through half of 50 Shades and didn’t bother with the rest of it or its two sequels. The sadomasochistic relationship in the book depicted a stupid woman who had little insight into her own persona. Then there was the male character, a control freak, so unappealing it’s a total mystery why any woman would find him attractive or desirable. These two characters don’t even represent archetypes. They’re just, I don’t know, a mess.

Nin knew how to write. But E.L. James is like these porn spammers, a wannabe resorting to pathetic posts on other people’s websites. That I’m even writing this is weird. The only reviews I’ve ever left for other writers – on Amazon – are five stars. This is my first negative ever about a writer’s work. And it was all spurred by random porn on our website.

So porn folks, a suggestion. Take all the shit you’ve posted on our website and go self-publish. Somewhere, you’ll find readers.

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5 Responses to PORN

  1. lauren raine says:

    Virtually all of the porn is………….. male porn. What is female porn? How about all of those romance books? Ever notice how a whole lot of it is about courtship, even if it is often rediculously corny? I know that for me, I was totally in love with Mr. Darcy, and to this day wish I had, just once, experienced someone “courting me” as he and Elizabeth BEnnet did each other. Women long for relationship in a time when sexuality, which has in other times and places been seen as rather sacred, but in our “liberated” time, is reduced to “having sex” like “having a beer”. A consumer item. BTW, I found “Shades of Grey” absolutely appalling. Women really do want to be slaves again? Pain is love? Absolutely appalling.

    • Trish and Rob says:

      I though shades was one of the worst – if not the worst – book that I’d ever wasted money onShe should have read Anais Nin.

  2. Darren B says:

    Funny, as I have Henry Miller’s book with that exact same cover laying on my dressing table to finally get around to reading, as I bought it years ago when reading one of those 100 books you have to read before you die, so I had better get cracking soon 🙂
    So many books to read and so little time 🙁
    Those porn sites usually use spambots to send out their annoying comments, so just delete them without clicking on any links in their comments I’ve been told … not that I would click on any links in spam anyway.

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