Adele and Hexagram 17

Adele Aldridge is a master of the I Ching. She has written 4 books on the Ching and has illustrated every one of the 64 hexagrams and their changing lines.  Recently, in a Coincidence Cafe zoom meetup, all participants were asked to tell one quality they exhibited across all of their various jobs in their lifetimes.

As she explains:

I was a blank. The thought that came to me was that the only job I identify with is my life long illustrations for the I Ching. So I asked the I Ching,”What is my ONE QUALITY for this assignment?

I Ching gave me hex 17, Following, with no moving lines. Then I realized that when I did that hexagram I wrote:

My “Following” is about the I Ching itself.
The hexagram of Following is derived from the trigrams The Joyous lake,
 the youngest daughter
who is being led by the The Arousing Thunder, the eldest son.
When creating images for I Ching Meditations the eldest son represents the ancient I Ching
as it has been handed down through many centuries in many interpretations.
When I meditate on these ancient texts
I am the youngest daughter following and learning about this philosophy
from all those who came before me who were men.
I do this work with energy and joy.

Amazing response!

A great synchronicity. Adele definitely follows the I Ching!


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2 Responses to Adele and Hexagram 17

  1. Adele says:

    Thanks for posting Trish. I call the I Ching my synchronicity machine. Am continually in awe of the mystery of this great contribution to the world. But as Jung said, “One sleeps better if you don’t try to figure out how it works.”

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