Synchronicity & Sabian Symbols

In 1925, astrologer Marc Edmund Jones met with psychic Elsie Wheeler, who was confined to a wheelchair by arthritis. With him, he had 360 white, unlined 3×5 index cards with an astrological degree written on each one.

As explained in the intro to The Sabian Symbols: A Screen of Prophecy by Diana E. Roche, “Because he realized there would e interruptions he decided to break up the sessions into quarters. A quarter of the cards were taken at random for each session and the cards were shuffled continuously during the process. Each card was placed face down in front of Elise and she ‘reported on the picture she saw by inward vision.’” Neither of them knew which degrees was being dealt with during the time she was describing the picture. Marc hurriedly wrote down the brief description on each card as she described the image. The first session took approximately two hours.”

In other words, Elsie was remote viewing the card in front of her with no idea what degree or symbol was on the card because it was turned over.

I haven’t looked at this book in years, but pulled it out today because I couldn’t remember the definition for my Gemini sun’s 16 degrees. Now here comes the synchronicity.

Yesterday, we did a podcast with man who’s alleged purpose in life is to doubt everything in his search for the essential truth. Sounds noble, I know. He’s a climate change denier, says the science doesn’t support it. He questions all psychic experiences, everything related to UFOs and abductions, etc. And oh, polar bears are doing just fine and their icy world isn’t really melting. He also happened to mention that the CIA social engineered the feminist movement because Gloria Steinem was a CIA operative.

I thought, huh? The CIA?

It turns out that Gloria was a CIA operative, by her own admission, and went undercover as a Playboy bunny to find out how widespread misogyny was. This was in 1971. I remember how women, collectively, were pissed that they didn’t have the same rights as men and that feeling, that emotion, deepened and went viral and became a powerful movement.

Finally, on March 22, 1972, the ERA was passed and became the 28th amendment to the U.S. Constitution. A year later, Roe v Wade legalized abortion. All of this would have happened without Gloria. I clarified this to the podcast host:

When that movement started, women were coming out of a period where they couldn’t have a bank account of their own without a spouse’s approval. Abortions were illegal, so pregnant women who didn’t want the child for whatever reason resorted to back alley abortions. I have friends who went that route. It kept women from having control over their own bodies. It kept men in charge of their bodies. The movement would have happened regardless of whether gloria was involved or not. The collective anger was a force unto itself.

Then today, I looked up the definition for 16 Gemini:

“A woman suffragist haranguing. Keyword: indignation.” The theme of this particular degree is liberty and justice for all. “This symbol speaks to the eternal struggle of the disenfranchised to be fully accepted members society with all the accompany rights and privileges. The image of a woman suffragist haranguing symbolizes all efforts to end discrimination and separatism in whatever form they appear.”

Now, though, we’re about to move backward. The supremes have now overturned  Roe v Wade, a right women have had for 49 years. What’s next? An end to gay marriage? And end to interracial marriage? Men controlling women and their bodies in new, unimagined ways?

If you don’t have a natal chart, go to this link for a free chart:

Now look for the degree of your sun. Let’s say your sun is 8 Cancer 36- eight minutes and 36 seconds of Cancer. Since the seconds are over 30, read definitions for both 8 and 9 degrees of Cancer. Which describes you best? Click here.

It’s also fun to take the degrees of other planets in your horoscope. Try your moon. Mine is 29 degrees 56 minutes of Capricorn. So I should read both 29 degrees and 30 degrees.
Here’s what 29 degrees Capricorn says: “A woman reading tea leaves.”

I stopped reading there. It fits.

So give it a shot.



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2 Responses to Synchronicity & Sabian Symbols

  1. Adele says:

    Very interesting about Gloria Steinem but that’s another subject.

    I looked up my 19º Leo and got this
    “This Symbol shows the need for people in society to regularly indulge in ceremonies, rituals or initiations that bond people together. You may feel the need to get back to natural elements, responding more to your intuitive feelings than rational structure. People enjoy coming together to revere and respect both the natural environment and others in their society. The ways of cultures, ancient and new, can provide a wonderful platform for performing rituals, whether spiritual or social. This degree can show a desire to return to nature and reveling in the larger picture. There is, also, a need to show respect if you go into traditional acts of other cultures.
    A sense of spirit. Ritual and worship. Sweat lodges. Native traditions = spiritual refreshment. Ceremonial dances. Vision quests. Fasting. Drums. Baptisms of fire.

    Egoistic responses leading to narrowed perspectives. Losing sight of why rituals are performed. Cult worship. Sunstroke. Losing identity in one’s own culture.”

    I find this accurate about my long time involvement with the I Ching, also Tarot and Astrology. The I Ching is totally based on nature. I also have 19º Virgo Moon = will have to look that up.

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