What’s coming for MMX?


Since many of you are highly intuitive, we thought it would be fun to collect some predictions for 2010. Then next year we can take a look and see how we did.

You can be serious or humorous. You can predict what will happen in politics, to celebrities, to the economy. Who will emerge on the national scene, who will fade away? Who will be involved in a sex scandal? (Can we top Letterman and Tiger?) What will happen in the Mideast? How will Obama fare? What will Sarah Palin do? How will the fall elections in the U.S. go? What will happen on the terrorist front? What about wild weather? Those are  just a few ideas. Try to be as specific as possible.

For starters, here’s Rob: (1) Glenn Beck will be admitted to a psych ward for observation after an incident, but there will be a coverup and he will return to FOX News after a break to spend more time with his family. (2) A major sports figure will emerge as a leading Republican, possibly aiming for the White House. He’ll have a short name, a likable smile, and seem very down-to-earth. 3) Obama will face tough scrutiny in the fall from both the right and the left. His popularity will hit a low point. After the election, he starts to regain  momentum and does something quite surprising.

Here’s Trish: 1) Glenn Beck’s roommate in the psyche ward will be Rush Limbaugh 2) Tighter controls on Americans – not just in travel, but in every facet of life 3) More erratic weather patterns 4)The Dems barely hold onto Congress in the midterm elections and 4)the mind/body connection research takes new, unexpected turns

What’s your take on 2010?

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23 Responses to What’s coming for MMX?

  1. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    well, on the thing of understanding – and palin – hmmmm…. to understand to comprehend to be thoroughly familiar with…therein lies the problem – it's obvious that the supporter apples cannot have fallen far from the palin tree –

  2. Aleksandar Malecic says:


  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Sansego – maybe palin supporters don't understand the definition 9of racist!

  4. Sansego says:

    You're right about that. A Palin supporter on Facebook called me (a biracial guy) a "racist" because I had said that in 2008, the Democratic Party had a woman, an African American, and a hispanic candidate running for president while the Republicans offered 12 old white men.

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    OK, so I'm going to have to make a compilation of all these predictions. I know what you mean, Jenean, about Obama. That's been a concern since before he won the nomination.

  6. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    lest i forget, my other observation here for the moment is an assassination attempt on obama – been heavily on my mind for a couple of weeks –

    am trying to get more focused on these things –

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Sansego, there's also an element of racism that pervades the far right, and it's now often exhibited by calling minorities racists, instead of the usual terms. Psychologically speaking, that's an excellent example of projection, but it also makes the GOP less than appealing to blacks and Latinos or moderate whites.

  8. Sansego says:

    As far as sports figures emerging as a Republican leader, its not a bad idea. I admired Steve Largent and JC Watts when they were in Congress in the mid-1990s. They were elected part of Gingrich's takeover of Congress in 1994, but they kept their word to serve for only a few terms.

    The problem with the Republican party is that they catered too long to the evangelical base and now that base is angry and uncompromising, pushing all the moderates out and making a far more extreme and ugly party.

    My prediction for 2010 is that Sarah Palin will finally get a divorce when her husband is discovered in the arms of another woman.

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Good ones, Therese!

  10. therese says:

    My predictions are little – or maybe they are wishes?

    About mid-year there will be a new technology for digital media that will unblock journalism bias and send talking heads running for cover.

    The younger generation (20-30's) are going to actually read and understand these massive political programs instead of accepting summaries from others. (already seen this happening)

    And yeah, UFO's in broad daylight playing the theme notes from "close encounters".

    word verification: herout
    didn't take!
    2nd verification: frialin 🙂

  11. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Here's a synchronicity related to the above comment by Whitley Streiber, which appeared in his on-line journal dated, Dec. 30.

    Within five minutes of the comment being posted, we received an e-mail in which Whitley gives Trish a blurb that willappear on her next novel, Esperanza, coming out in September. Here it is:

    "Every time I start reading a scary novel, I tell myself that it can't possibly scare me. Usually, I'm right, but not this time. Oh, no. This time I was treated to a deliciously scary, original and just plain wonderful story. I was swept away into a world that I keep telling myself couldn't
    exist. Or could it? HELP! (Read this, oh, yes.)"

    Whitley Strieber


  12. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Here's from Whitley Streiber.

    "We'll see what 2010 brings. Probably more of the same–the waiting, the sense of something about to happen that never does. But maybe, this time, something else. UFOs over major cities in broad daylight, large and unmistakable. Aliens suddenly strolling the streets as if they owned the place."

    I don't think he's talking about the filming of new episodes of V, but something more real, and unreal at the same time.

  13. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    These predictions: we'll be sure to back up everything so we can look @ these next year. Sara leading a revolt, Alaska seceding…Maybe we'll condense these and present a list. Simpler!

  14. Gail says:

    Sara Palin shall lead a revolt against the government controls over people's right to bear arms. Alaska will succeed from the Union.

    Gosh, I don't know! That is just what came out of my fingers.

    WV: saviesso, betuali
    savie sso and bet you a lie

  15. simple simon says:

    Packers–Jets SB???? leaving Farve out

    niner's and the under 11 out of 16 Rob gonna check and see if I ever passed that one along to you

  16. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    We threw an I Ching for 2010 and came up with Hexagram 3: Difficulty at the Beginning.

    The situation points to teeming chaotic profusion; thunder and rain fill the air. But the chaos clears up. While the abysmal sinks, the upward movement eventually passes beyond the danger. A thunderstorm brings release from tension, and all things breathe freely again.

    Difficulty at the beginning works supreme
    Furthering through perseverance.
    Nothing should be undertaken.
    It furthers one to appoint helpers.

    It almost seems as if the I Ching is talking about the health care debate in the U.S. when it says:

    “Times of growth are beset with difficulties. They resemble a first birth. But these difficulties rise from the very profusion of ll that is struggling to attain form. Everything is in motion: therefore if one perseveres there is a prospect of great success, in spite of the existing danger. When it is a man’s fate to undertake such new beginnings, everything is still unformed, dark.”

    And here the I Ching could be speaking of Obama:

    “Hence he must hold back, because any premature move might bring disaster. Likewise, it is very important not to remain alone; in order to overcome the chaos he needs helpers. This is not to say, however, that he himself should look on passively at what is happening. He must lend his hand and participate with inspiration and guidance.”

    Hm, pretty interesting.

  17. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    ok – i've not stopped laughing yet over the beck/limbaugh psyche ward roommate thing – an image i can surely see!

    on a very general scope which most of you have already covered – absolutely more and bigger BIG BROTHER impacting – weather related issues increasing – a major natural disaster such as yellowstone – i think it's very obvious that cheney will attempt something now that he is not being forced into the background and/or into keeping his mouth shut – global warming and its "actual or real" cause – something to do with electrical power in this country – i also think it's far from over in terms of anti-obama activity but it will end with him on top –

    ok – those are just off the top of my head in this moment things – but i'll come back with more specifics after considering it in a more serious manner –

    fantabulous exercise, rob and trish – i need to go shower now that i've spent so much time visualizing the beck/lembaugh thing!

  18. Nancy says:

    Trish & Rob re: last comment

    Absolutely. One wonders if that was the plan all along?

    Now that's scary!

  19. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    The Republican agenda seems to represent the shadow side of American politics. As Jung said, in order to be whole, we need to embrace the shadow–the privatio boni.

    I think Obama and the Dems have been doing a good job of THAT, ie. by endorsing a new health care plan that feeds the insurance companies new clients rather than pursuing a one-payer system.

  20. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Gibbs Williams, author of Demystifying Meaningful Coincidences, sends us this prediction for twenty-ten.

    "As nature abhors a vacuum and the Republicans en masse appear to me to be vacuous there is a glaring need for a strong leader.
    For this reason I predict that ex Vice President Cheney will make an all out effort to be the head spokesman for the Republican Party and particularly for the hysterical, fanatical, militantly anti Obama, paranoid, we are all right and "they" are all wrong legions who crave the illusion of pseudo strength. Further I predict the rhetoric will be as shrill, distorted, fanatical, and wildly emotional as at any time in our political history. The outcome of this "dark" movement is very much in doubt and could go either way.

  21. Nancy says:

    Okay, here is mine:

    The GOP will continue to have it's members, those that are hypocrits, expose themselves. Some literally. There is an energy going against those that seek to cover up their true intentions.

    Something big on the west coast – earthquake?

    More people will be preparing for disaster. The whole case of peanut butter, chili, and water thing. Which just may be prudent for a variety of reasons.

    We will have another terrorist event.

    That's it for now.

  22. Shadow says:

    eratic weather patterns i will second!

  23. Ji says:

    politics is FUN to know, hard to play oneself,…

    thank you for the reflective reflections.

    happy 2010,



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