If Women Were Making the Laws


A House bill that would codify the right to contraception into Federal law was voted against by 195 Republicans. Yeah, you read that correctly. But the Right to Contraception Act still passed the Democratically held house by 228-195. Now it goes to the Senate, where it’s future probably will be squashed by the likes of Joe Manchin and his Republican colleagues.

So, let’s look at this. First, this wreck of a supreme court overturns Roe on June 24. This activates trigger laws in some states that planned for this announcement. And because compromised Clarence Thomas also mentioned other privacy rights in his treatise about Roe – the right to contraception, gay marriage – the Democrats suddenly spring into action by introducing bills that codify these 2 rights into Federal law. Considering the leak in May that warned us this was about to happen, only now are Dems leaping into action? How come the right to abortion wasn’t codified somewhere earlier in its 49-year-history?

What this overrun of Roe and the attempt to ban all contraception amounts to is really simple: Ladies, according to the Republican party, your main purpose on this earth is to get pregnant, give birth, and do so even if it’s the result of rape or incest. We will ban your travel to states where abortion is still legal. We will charge you with crimes.

Now, imagine if women were in charge and passed a law that men as young as 10 had to undergo vasectomies so they didn’t burden society with unwanted children. People who screamed and objected about being forced to get vaccinated for work – my body, my choice – seem to be largely okay with the government telling women what they can and can’t do with their bodies  when it comes to contraception and abortion.

Well,how would men feel about that same government telling them what they could and couldn’t do with their bodies?

Uh-uh, no Viagra.

Uh-uh, no sex with your wife.

Uh-uh, no nookie for you until you’ve been castrated.

Sorry, dude.

We’re no longer just at the gates of Gilead. We’re inside the wretched place. The only thing missing is the distinctive red outfits the handmaids wear.

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