Predictions by Kids in 1983


In 1983, I was teaching Spanish to middle schoolers at a private school that was part of Nova University in Fort Lauderdale. Spanish wasn’t their favorite subject, so I told my 8th graders that if they studied Spanish four days a week, then every Friday we would study “anomalies” and do psychic experiments. They loved it!

On March 14, 1983, I asked them to write down their predictions for 25 years in the future – i.e., for 2008. It had to include a prediction about themselves. Rob ran across a folder today with all their predictions inside.

There are a number of precognitions in these predictions:  school at home with  TV so you and the teacher can see each other; phones with TVs so you can see the person you’re talking to; we’ll be closer to the truth about UFOs. You’ll also spot the stuff that hasn’t happened yet.

Deirdre Silverstein

Telephones will have TVs so you can see the person you’re talking to. Sounds like smart phones, right? Back in 1983, the development of the iPhone wouldn’t happen until 2007.

We will have cities in the clouds.

Rocket ships will be used just like cars for transportation.

I will have a family and dogs and cats and horses. Live in New York. I will be a famous model.

Donna Lipworth

There will be robots

School at your own home. Your teacher’s face is brought to your house by satellite onto a huge TV screen. Sounds like the magic of Zoom.

Living on other planets

Money will scream for help when it’s being robbed from you

I’ll be a translator at the U.N.

Gary Fein

Space travel is common

Television phones – this sounds like smart phones

Cure for cancer and other diseases

Limitless energy

Communicating with animals

My profession will be an assassin to kill groups like the Mafia etc.

Mark Weinberg

TV phones

A push button world

A nuclear holocaust ending with destruction of earth as we know it

End of democracy – Gulp. Looks like we may be headed there

Astral travel

I’ll be a scientist or doctor.

Debbie Weitz

No cars. Everyone will be using planes and jets

Telephones will have screens so you can see who you’re talking to

Children won’t know how to do basic skills because computers will do them

Fashion and the way of thinking will be back the same way as the 1950s. Given the agenda of the republican party and the supreme court, this one is eerie

I think I will be a pediatrician.

Jack Regtman

Space stations

Better school system

More comfortable furniture – This one made me laugh!

Understanding of anomalies in the U.S.

I think I will be an architect or a lawyer.

Neal Falk

We will have trouble with other countries that’s so severe we’ll be under constant pressure

We’ll have the answers about whether there are really UFOs

Inflation will be high

Psychics will be used often in the future

The economy will be bad. There will be more people with no money.

Neal didn’t make a prediction about what he would be doing

Marla Pomeranz

Cars that run on any other substance than gas

Houses will be run only by solar energy

We’ll have in every one a screen the children can turn on and see a teacher. They will go to school last home.

We’ll have learned a lot about people from outer space

I will be a successful attorney and mother and wife.

Lisa Jakubowicz

Families travel to outer space

Cancer will be cured in 24 hours

No more cars

Food can be turned into little pills

More children will go to college.

I  will be a doctor and a housewife.

Rachel Rubin

Telephones- seeing people as you talk to them

Commercials where you can reach into the TV and try a product -i.e., Hershey bar. Reach out, grab it, & eat it.

Shopping at home

School stay at home

Rachel didn’t make a prediction about what she would be doinng

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4 Responses to Predictions by Kids in 1983

  1. do you think there might have been some collaboration concerning the number of responses for TV phones and home school by “zoom”?

    • Trish and Rob says:

      I don’t know, Bruce, but I never gave my Friday assignment ahead of time. I told them they couldn’t talk during the assignment. I think they tuned in collectively. No one mentioned Zoom, but given their descriptions, that was my interpretation.

  2. Caren Griffin says:

    These are great!

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