
Trish and I belong to a British ghostwriting site where we receive requests from writers looking for help with their novels or non-fiction books. Recently, I got one from a New Zealander living on an island off the coast who was looking for help with a fantasy novel featuring a young Leonardo de Vinci. He wrote in part:

“I am a life-long fan of Leonardo and have visited the Château d’Amboise – where he is buried – and which contains a museum of Leonardo’s work and inventions. It has a beautiful view of the river Loire.

“I would love to work with you on bringing Leo to life and delighting readers around the world with some amazing adventures! The Adventures of young Leonardo Da Vinci – Vampire Slayer & International Spy – is the first of a series of books.”

I had just read the inquiry when I heard the name Leonardo on the TV in the background. I looked over and sure enough there was a story about a man named Leonardo Leo. Not quite de Vinci, but seemingly as scary as a vampire!

Anyhow, it seemed like a good sign and even though the author also approached four other ghostwriters, I’m now negotiating with him for a contract. It might happen. Thank you, Leonardos.

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4 Responses to Leonardo…

  1. Darren B says:

    On the subject of “ghost writing” I see Leonardo Leo the Baroque composer passed away on Halloween (31 October 1744), so that might be another sign from the “beyond” for you Rob 😉

  2. Prissy says:

    Here’s hoping

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