Synchronicity & Astrology

Taken from the Chandra X-ray observatory


The planet Uranus rules sudden, unexpected events, individuality, revolution, earthquakes, disruptions, collapse, technology, innovations, liberation, scientific genius, creativity, idiosyncrasies, and astrology. It rules the sign Aquarius.

In the early part of 2011, astrologers were predicting that once Uranus entered fire sign Aries on March 10, where it would be for seven years, we should expect the unexpected globally and within our personal lives. Earthquakes might become more numerous. Societal change would happen quickly and unexpectedly. Protests around the world would be more common as people sought individual freedoms.

As it turned out, Uranus shook up a lot of things. Osama bin Laden was killed by Naval Seals in Pakistan, a revolution began in Egypt, Game of Thrones premiered, setting off a kind of cultural revolution, Castro resigned as First Secretary of the Communist Party, Pope John Paul II was canonized as a saint, riots erupted in England, Steve Jobs resigned as Apple Chief Executive. But on March 11 at 2:46 p.m., a 9.1 earthquake struck off the northeast coast of Honshu on the Japan Trench. The shaking lasted about six minutes.

Within 30 minutes a tsunami generated by the massive quake slammed over seawalls and disabled three nuclear reactors in a matter of days. It was the largest quake every recorded in Japan and one of the five strongest in the world. National Geographic has a stunning video on the inundation, with the tsunami rushing over an 18 foot seawall.

There’s another good roundup on Live Science.

There are people who experience and believe in synchronicity who don’t consider astrology to be a part of it. They’re wrong. Carl Jung, who coined the term synchronicity, believed that divination systems – like the I Ching, astrology, tarot – definitely fell under the synchronicity umbrella. Given the nature of Uranus and of Aries, the archetypal warrior, this 9.1 quake is the perfect expression of the Uranus transit from water sign Pisces to fire sign Aries.

The quake happened while Uranus was at 29 degrees ad 57 minutes of Pisces, thus the tsunami. An hour after the quake,  a 46 foot tsunami hit, overflowing the 19 foot seawall, inundating the plant, and disabling all but 1 (underground) generator. Most of the emergency core cooling system fails, the only portion still in operation being a steam and battery system which hadn’t been tested or used in 40 years. At 9 p.m, an evacuation order is issued for people within 1.9 miles of the plant.

By the next day, when Uranus is now in Aries, the evacuation order is extended to 12.4 miles. Here’s a timeline of the events. It’s daunting.

When this planet changes signs, shit happens.

In March 2019, it entered Taurus – a fixed earth sign. Within a year, WHO proclaimed Covid a pandemic.Trump panicked. He’d met something more powerful than he was, something  which he figured he could conquer just by declaring that it would history by Easter of 2020. That didn’t happen.

In November 2020, he lost the election to Joe Biden and his Big Lie took root and by Jan 6, 2021, Trump directed an insurrection.Now we’re in the aftermath and approaching a midterm election that may determine the future of democracy.

Uranus doesn’t leave Taurus until July 2025. Buckle up.

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