Is there an astrological signature for encounters?



This is Betty Hill’s natal chart. It’s one of my baseline charts. I have 10 natal charts of people who have had encounters or have been abducted and have been studying them for possible signatures that might indicate such an experience.Granted, a database of just 10 charts is pretty pathetic. But I work with what I have right now.

One common denominator is the number 22 – the degree of a particular planet or point. Notice that in Betty’s 10th house (career) her natal Jupiter – the planet next to her moon in that house – is 22 degrees Cancer. It’s conjunct by 5 degrees to her Cancer moon.

On her Midheaven – the highest point in the chart, the border between houses 9 and 10- she has  Pluto – that P like symbol at 6 degrees Cancer,just two degrees from her 8 degree Cancer Midheaven. Technically, it’s conjunct

Another possible signature is that the natal moon or sun or North Node is aspected by Jupiter or Pluto or sits on one of the four main points of a natal chart – the ascendant, 4th house cusp, 7th house cusp, or the Midheaven – cusp of the 10th house. These are the four major points in a chart. The ascendant represents where you came into this life. The 4th house represents your foundation – family, nurturing parent, personal atmosphere. The 7th house is   partnerships and the 10th house, your public face, career.  The North Node represents the direction you should move in this lifetime to evolve at every level.

I was curious about that 22 degrees, so I looked up Hexagram 22 in the Ching. It’s called Grace. I wrote Whitley Strieber about this and a synchronicity happened. “I was just talking with someone about astrology and the I Ching when your email came through. I think that’s a confirmation!”

I think so, too. So if anyone who has had an encounter or abduction would like to add to my small database, I would be grateful. I would need your date, time,  and place of birth.

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