Happy Thanksgiving day greeting card calligraphy text with pumpkins, squash and leaves over dark wood table background

What we’re supposedly celebrating here is based on a harvest feast in 1621 shared by the pilgrims of Plymouth and the Wampanoag people, American Indians who formerly occupied parts of what are now the states of Rhode Island and Massachusetts. It’s thought of as the first celebration of the pilgrims in their new world.

It’s probably safe to say that when you and I sit down for Thanksgiving dinner now in 2022, we’re not thinking about 1621 and the pilgrims. We’re thinking, Wow, I’m hungry and this feast looks grand. Then we look around the table and realize we’re with family and friend whom we love. That’s what Thanksgiving is.

This particular holiday is about gratitude for the people we love, for the animals that share our lives, for the quality of our lives and our freedoms. It’s one reason why our elections are so important.

So this year I’m grateful that I’m celebrating Thanksgiving with both Rob and Megn, our respective pets, and with our friends Rose, Dwane, and Lloyd- and their dogs! I’m grateful there was no red wave, for the defeat of the election deniers who were running and lost, and that the Dems are holding the senate.

I’m not grateful for what happened in Florida.

I’m angry that the DOJ hasn’t indicted trump yet.

But I’m grateful trump is being recognized for what he is – a narcissistic loser. His NO SURPRISE announcement that he’s running again couldn’t happen at a worst time – when most of the candidates he endorsed lost. When he’s embroiled in legal troubles.

I’m grateful for the way democracy is shaping up for 2023.



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