Mercury retro OVER!


Okay, a happy dance!

Today, Mercury retrograde is in your rear view mirror! It ends at 8:12 am ET and  5:12 am PT.  The next one begins April 21 and ends on May 14.

Now make your travel plans, buy that computer you’ve had your eyes on, or that car. In other words, get on with your life!

This one delivered some computer and blog problems, visits to past issues, and a couple of really fun guests on our podcast. It wasn’t all bad. But it wasn’t all good, either. These Mercury retros often hit us with glaring truths about ourselves and others and things we’d like to change in our lives. In doing so they offer us a chance to resolve the past so that we can live in the present and embrace the future.

So between now and April 21, move at the speed of light.

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2 Responses to Mercury retro OVER!

  1. Dale Dassel says:

    Great post, guys! Merc retro wasn’t too bad for us this time around, but it made me wonder when, historically, was the Mercury retrograde phenomenon first noted? In other words, when did people first begin to associate particular astrological periods with things going awry, and who compiled the list of Retrograde do’s and don’ts? Inquiring minds want to know!

    Jen says: “Don’t move at the speed of light – move at the speed of life.”

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