Wiley, Blue, and a Date: A Mind-Blower.



Our friends know that Rob and I write about synchronicity and whenever they experience or hear about one, they pass it on to us. This one came initially from my friend Arlene, who heard about it from a friend, Joan, at the dog park. It’a stunner. So I got in touch with Joan. The synchronicity happened to her daughter and son-in-law, Linda and Jason, who live in California.

On January 1, their eight-year-old dog, Wiley, died suddenly. As any animal lover knows, the death of a pet is devastating, but even more so when it’s unexpected and sudden. It’s the kind of despair that swallows you whole.

On Jan 17, Linda got an email from a rescue organization about a collie, Blue, who needed a home quickly. On the same day, she connected with an animal communicator in Colorado because she felt Wiley was trying to get in touch with her. “I picked her because her name is Two Bears Healing Arts and we always called Wiley “Wiley Bear” – my favorite animal as a kid. And she is from Colorado, which is where Wiley was from and where my dad was from.”

Also, on the same day ,Linda was having a hard time figuring out Wordle. “I put it aside for a few hours.  When I returned to it, I tried the word “adapt” and that was wrong.  Then I guessed the right word which was ADOPT.”

On January 20 – 1/20 – Blue was brought to her and Jason.


They took the woman and Blue out onto the patio to show them Linda’s wind chimes, given to her by her daughter’s friend to remember Wiley. According to Linda’s mom, Joan, the brick work was done almost 25 years ago. No one ever paid any attention to the markings on some of the bricks. But the woman who had brought Wiley over looked down and right under the wind chimes was a brick with a date on it. 1/20/05.

So, look at the odds on this slew of synchronicities!

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