
Personally, I think it would be interesting to live at the junction of these 2 streets!

The town of Cassadaga is unique to Florida. This Spiritualist community was established in 1894 by George Colby. Just about everyone who lives here is a psychic or a medium. Most of them communicate with the dead.

We’ve been there many times over the years and experienced a haunting there when our daughter, Megan, was just a baby. We’ve also had many synchronicities there and some terrific psychic readings.

Last year, Estelle Morrow and I started talking about taking a trip to Cassadaga, a ladies trip. Estelle, Arlene, and  I and whoever else might be interested. I contacted Kathy Adams, a psychic and psychometrist we’ve visited numerous time and asked if she would be available for readings. My daughter Megan and her friend Loretta would drive up from Orlando and have readings too. Our friend Lindy joined us, but our friend Paula had to work.

So on Tuesday, March 28, the four of us left South Florida and headed to central Florida, Cassadaga is about 30 miles north of Orlando. Once you leave the Orlando area, the area turns pretty rural. We were hungry when we arrived and headed into the hotel’s restaurant – Sinatra’s – for lunch. Megan and Loretta joined us and when Kathy texted me she was ready, Estelle went over to her building first. It’s right across the street from the hotel.

The rest of us finished lunch  and walked around, waiting for our turn with Kathy.

When Estelle returned, everyone grilled her – how was it? What’d she say? Did it resonate? Arlene went next and while she was gone, Estelle explained Kathy’s hits – about her husband’s breathing problem, that one of her daughters would be going through a tornado of events in changing jobs, stuff that was too personal to be random guesswork.

When Arlene returned, we also grilled her – but she reported not much of anything. Yet, a day later when she handed me the typewritten version of the recording of her reading, I pointed out several hits – her husband Neil’s love of cars, the way she took on her friends’ problems – and some glaring errors. Arlene is the last person I would expect to head out to South America on a travel adventure.

Meg went next because she had to get back to her dogs, then Lindy, then me. For Meg and me, our readings were pure Kathy – she hit the high points exactly. Lindy is well versed in metaphysics, has had some amazingly accurate psychic readings, and  said her reading was pretty good. Kathy hit some salient points and missed on others.

But the whole thing with readings by psychics is that they aren’t gods. Their timing is often skewed. They are able to read us only if we’re open to the prospect.

That evening at dinner a woman came over to our table and asked if we were interested in mini readings – 15 minutes for $15.  We all said sure so Anya Love drew cards for each of us and did numerology readings. Her readings were interesting. I did her natal chart and she told me her story- that she’d been traveling back and forth between the U.S. and Europe, nomadic, doing readings. Then she decided she wanted to settle down and found a job opening at the Sinatra, doing readings, and now she lives at the hotel. I think we’ll have her on the podcast.

Then there were moments like this which reminded me where we were – inside a haunted hotel. Looks like a hallway from The Shining, doesn’t it?

But this time, the ghosts were quiet.

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2 Responses to Cassadaga

  1. Darren B says:

    It’s rather synchy that after seeing the shining like hotel hallway in your post above I stumbled across a very shining like hallway where the Irish podcast host of the ‘Red Room’ podcast walks through in the introduction to her webpage =
    I only stumbled across her paranormal podcast because I was searching for a free audio English language reading of the of the Swedish novel ‘The Red Room’, which I wrote about here =
    in what I can only describe as a rabbit=hole of a post >:-)

  2. Darren B says:

    I can’t read the sign the frog on the letterbox is holding, but I thought about March 20th being World Frog Day and your smashed frog plate post when I saw the letterbox in that post above.

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