Full Moon in Libra


There’s a full moon in Libra on April 6 if you live in the EDT zone or April 5 if you live in a Pacific time zone. Regardless of which time zone, this one should be interesting. Libra is a sign that seeks to make peace, to mediate, to balance.Since it occurs a day or two after trump surrenders in NYC for his indictment, I’m not sure what impact it will have on the political scene.

Jupiter in Aries is opposed to it and so is Chiron, the wounded healer. How will it impact trump?

Well, his chart is in the inner circle and the full moon is in the outer circle, conjuncting his Jupiter in the 2nd house of income. Oh, okay. He’s going to try to make or will make money off of the spectacle. For days, since we learned about the indictment on March 30, news reports have said that he won’t be handcuffed. But I think he wants a spectacle, lots of cameras.

The bigger the shit show, the happier he’ll be. After all,  in handcuffs, he’ll look like the victim. And that’s his mantra. He’s a victim of the deep state, of a DOJ that is weaponized against him … Never mind that it’s all projection since  the DOJ under his administration (Bill Barr) was weaponized against his enemies – Comey, Stormy Daniels, DeSantis, Clinton,  Mueller, and now Jack Smith, the NY prosecutor, Merrick Garland, Biden….blah, blah blah.

At the top of the chart in the outer circle, we see Venus in Taurus conjuncting his Midheaven – profession and career. I hate to say it, but there’s an element of professional luck with that one. Mars in Cancer in outer circle, 11th house, conjuncts his natal Mercury  in the inner circle. He’s going to be feisty in his communications – either verbally in person as the surrender is happening or verbally later, on his twitter ripoff platform.

Saturn in Pisces is now transiting his 7th house of partnerships and trines that Mars in Cancer transiting his 11th house of networks. Feisty, yes and he’s supported by his base of attorneys and fans and fellow republicans . BUT. Saturn doesn’t tolerate BS so he may get plenty  of criticism from within that hard core base that may not be so enthusiastic this time to take up arms an applaud the shit show. They may not show up to protest. After all, a whole bunch of their ilk are now doing time.

Full moons typically bring news and push our emotional buttons. And given the full moon’s close conjunction with trump’s natal Chiron (wounded healer) in the 2nd house, his emotional buttons will be at full throttle.

Also, there’s that Pluto in Aquarius in his 6th house of health and work (outer circle). It’s transforming his daily work schedule (golf, conniving, grifting, huddling  with attorneys), at a profound level. He’s not going to like this. It was never in his PLAN to be held accountable for anything.

So, at 2:15 p.m. on Tuesday, April 4, it’s going to be intriguing. Here’s the chart for that event:

You can see that the moon hasn’t quite reached his natal Jupiter in the 2nd house. So the grifting will begin after the spectacle.

Stay tuned…

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2 Responses to Full Moon in Libra

  1. Nancy says:

    The Trump grift seems to go on and on and on…

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