
Labels added to this visible-light Hubble Space Telescope image of Jupiter point out several atmospheric features on the planet, including a ‘brown barge’, four hot spots (which appear bright in the infrared image from Gemini North), a superstorm, the Great Red Spot, and Red Spot Jr. (also known as Oval BA).

First, happy birthday to Rob! And lucky Rob! He’s a Taurus with a Taurus rising and today Jupiter enters his sign. This is what that means:

Today, at 1:20 PM EDT and 10:20 AM Pacific, Jupiter enters  Taurus, where it will be until May 25 2024.  Jupiter is the planet that represents expansion, luck, good fortune. It rules Sagittarius, co-rules Pisces, and governs higher education, the higher mind, synchronicity, foreign countries, cultures, and people. Its year-long transit through Taurus  should benefit all earth signs and water signs Pisces and Cancer. You Scorpios will be experiencing a Jupiter opposition, which means you take on too many responsibilities that realistically, you may find it difficult to juggle everything!

If your natal Jupiter is in Taurus, then you’ll be entering a Jupiter return, which occurs every 11.6 years – call it 12. The last time Jupiter was in Taurus was in 2011-2012., so look back at that period and think about what was happening in your life then. Did your life expand in some way? A move, a baby, a marriage, a huge raise… The Jupiter return year is usually terrific – prosperous and expansive.

Whatever sign you are, take a look at your natal chart to see where Taurus falls. You can get a copy of your natal chart here.  The house where Taurus falls in your chart will be the area that undergoes the most expansion and good fortune. If it falls on your ascendant, the doorway to your chart, the place where you entered this life, you’re in for a double treat. So  Rob, it’s going to be fun!

Here’s a quick reference on what the houses govern.





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3 Responses to Jupiter

  1. Dale Dassel says:

    Happy birthday, Rob! Best wishes from Dale and Jennifer! It was great meeting you last month! Thanks again for meeting up with us crazy obsessed Indy fans! 🙂

  2. Adele says:

    Wishing Rob a wonderful birthday and great Taurian year. Is Taurian a word? Now it is.

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